
Total found: 35 records
Park H., Bulzu P., Shabarova T., Kavagutti V., Ghai R., Kasalický V., Jezberová J. (2024) Uncovering the genomic basis of symbiotic interactions and niche adaptations in freshwater picocyanobacteria. Microbiome 12: 150.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-024-01867-0
Kavagutti V., Bulzu P., Chiriac M., Salcher M., Mukherjee I., Shabarova T., Grujčić V., Mehrshad M., Kasalický V., Andrei A.S., Jezberová J., Seďa J., Rychtecký P., Znachor P., Šimek K., Ghai R. (2023) High‑resolution metagenomic reconstruction of the freshwater spring bloom. Microbiome 11: 15.
DOI: 10.1186/s40168-022-01451-4
Šimek K., Mukherjee I., Nedoma J., Pires de Paula C., Jezberová J., Sirová D., Vrba J. (2022) CARD-FISH and prey tracer techniques reveal the role of overlooked flagellate groups as major bacterivores in freshwater hypertrophic shallow lakes. Environmental Microbiology 24: 4256–4273.
DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15846
Weisse T., Jezberová J., Moser M. (2021) Picoplankton feeding by the ciliate Vorticella similis in comparison to other peritrichs emphasizes their significance in the water purification process. Ecological Indicators 121: 106992.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106992
Šimek K., Grujčić V., Nedoma J., Jezberová J., Šorf M., Matoušů A., Pechar L., Posch T., Bruni E.P., Vrba J. (2019) Microbial food webs in hypertrophic fishponds: Omnivorous ciliate taxa are major protistan bacterivores Limnology and Oceanography 64: 2295–2309.
DOI: 10.1002/lno.11260
Šimek K., Grujčić V., Hahn M., Horňák K., Jezberová J., Kasalický V., Nedoma J., Salcher M., Shabarova T. (2018) Bacterial prey food characteristics modulate community growth response of freshwater bacterivorous flagellates Limnology and Oceanography 63: 484–502.
DOI: 10.1002/lno.10759
Vrba J., Benedová Z., Jezberová J., Matoušů A., Musil M., Nedoma J., Pechar L., Potužák J., Řeháková K., Šimek K., Šorf M., Zemanová J. (2018) Nevstoupíš dvakrát do téhož rybníka – předběžná zpráva o stavu dnešních hypertrofních rybničních ekosystémů [You cannot step into the same fishpond twice – A preliminary report on the current status of hypertrophic fishpond ecosystems] Vodní hospodářství 68 (8): 1-5.
Vrba J., Benedová Z., Jezberová J., Matoušů A., Musil M., Nedoma J., Pechar L., Potužák J., Řeháková K., Šimek K., Šorf M., Zemanová J. (2018) Nevstoupíš dvakrát do téhož rybníka aneb vývoj rybničních ekosystémů od Šusty k hypertrofii [You cannot step into the same fishpond twice - an evolution of fishpond ecosystems to hypertrophy] Sborník konference Rybníky 2018 2-11.
Hoetzinger M., Schmidt J., Jezberová J., Koll U., Hahn M. (2017) Microdiversification of a Pelagic Polynucleobacter Species Is Mainly Driven by Acquisition of Genomic Islands from a Partially Interspecific Gene Pool Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83: e02266–16 .
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.02266-16
Jezberová J., Jezbera J., Znachor P., Nedoma J., Kasalický V., Šimek K. (2017) The Limnohabitans genus harbors generalistic and opportunistic subtypes: evidence from spatiotemporal succession in a canyon-shaped reservoir Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83: e01530-17.
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01530-17
Jezberová J., Jezbera J., Znachor P., Nedoma J., Kasalický V., Šimek K. (2017) The Limnohabitans genus harbors generalistic and opportunistic subtypes: evidence from spatiotemporal succession in a canyon-shaped reservoir Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83: e01530-17.
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01530-17
Hahn M., Jezberová J., Koll U., Saueressig-Beck T., Schmidt J. (2016) Complete ecological isolation and cryptic diversity in Polynucleobacter bacteria not resolved by 16S rRNA gene sequences. ISME Journal 10: 1642–1655..
DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2015.237
Komárek J., Hindák F., Jezberová J. (2016) Review of the cyanobacterial genus Eucapsis. Nova Hedwigia 103: 441–456.
DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2016/0363
Hahn M., Koll U., Jezberová J., Camacho A. (2015) Global phylogeography of pelagic Polynucleobacter bacteria: Restricted geographic distribution of subgroups, isolation by distance, and influence of climate. Environmental Microbiology 17: 829–840.
DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12532
Jezbera J., Jezberová J., Kasalický V., Šimek K., Hahn M. (2013) Patterns of Limnohabitans microdiversity across a large set of freshwater habitats as revealed by reverse line blot hybridization. PLOS ONE 8: e58527..
DOI: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058527
Jezberová J., Jezbera J., Hahn M. (2013) Insights into variability of actinorhodopsin genes of the LG1 cluster in two different freshwater habitats. PLOS ONE 8: e68542..
DOI: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068542
Hahn M., Scheuerl T., Jezberová J., Koll U., Jezbera J., Šimek K., Vannini C., Petroni G., Wu Q. (2012) The passive yet successful way of planktonic life: genomic and experimental analysis of the ecology of a free-living Polynucleobaster population. PLOS ONE 7: e32772..
DOI: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032772
Jezbera J., Jezberová J., Koll U., Horňák K., Šimek K., Hahn M. (2012) Contrasting trends in distribution of four major planktonic betaproteobacterial groups along a pH gradient of epilimnia of 72 freshwater habitats. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 81: 467–479..
DOI: DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01372.x
Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Hahn M., Jezberová J., Hejzlar J., Šimek K. (2012) Ecology of planktonic freshwater bacteria of the Limnohabitans genus (Betaproteobacteria). In: Zborník príspevkov XVI. Konferencia SLS a ČLS Od molekúl po ekosystémy, Jasná, June 25–29, 2012, ISBN 978–80–971056–0–0: pp. 59–62.
Jezbera J., Jezberová J., Brandt U., Hahn M. (2011) Ubiquity of Polynucleobacter necessarius subspecies asymbioticus results from ecological diversification. Environmental Microbiology 13: 922-931..


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