Total found: 542 records |
Kadlec Z.,
Starý P., Zumr V. (1992) Field evidence for the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis as a vector of Heterobasidion annosum. Eur. J. Forest Pathol.
22: 316-318.
Mckinnon L., Gilstrap F., González D., Woolley J., Starý P., Wharton R. (1992) Importations of natural enemies for biological control of Russian wheat aphid, 1988-1991. In: Proc. 5th Russian Wheat Aphid Conf., Fort Worth (Texas). Publ. Great Plains Agric. Council No. 142, pp. 136-145. |
Starý P. (1992) "Zkušenosti našich expertů v zahraničí". Biologický boj se mšicí Diuraphis noxia na obilí v Chile. Bull. Čs. výboru pro spolupráci s FAO
2: 50-52.
Starý P., Gerding M., Norambuena H. (1992) Identification de parasitoides de afidos de los cereales. FAO/INIA, INIA-Quilamapu, Chillán, 8 p. |
Starý P., González D. (1992) Field acceptance of exposed exotic aphids by indigenous natural enemies (Homoptera: Aphidinea: Aphididae). Entomol. Generalis
17: 121-129.
Zumr V.,
Starý P. (1992) Field experiments with different attractants in baited pitfall traps for Hylobius abietis L. (Col., Curculionidae). J. Appl. Ent.
113: 451-455.
Zumr V.,
Starý P. (1992) The occurrence of the large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.), in individual forest zones. Forest Ecol. Manag.
51: 251-258.
Starý P. (1991) Philadelphus coronarius L. as a reservoir of aphids and parasitoids. J. Appl. Ent.
112: 1-10.
Starý P., González D. (1991) The chenopodium aphid, Hayhurstia atriplicis (L.) (Hom., Aphididae), a parasitoid reservoir and a source of biocontrol agents in pest management. J. Appl. Ent.
111: 243-248.
Starý P.,
Havelka J. (1991) Macrosiphum albifrons Essig. an invasive lupin aphid and its natural enemy complex in Czechoslovakia (Homoptera, Aphididae). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
88: 111-120.
Starý P., Stechmann D. (1991) Niche distribution and dispersal of the banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa, in relation to parasitization by biocontrol agents (Hom., Aphididae; Hym., Aphidiidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
88: 187-195.
Zumr V.,
Starý P. (1991) Effects of baited pitfall traps (Hylobius abietis L.) on non-target forest insects. J. Appl. Ent.
112: 525-530.
Němec V.,
Starý P. (1990) Sugars in honeydew. Biológia (Bratislava)
45: 259-264.
Petrović O., Ljubičic V., Starý P., Šimic S. (1990) Aphids (Homoptera, Aphididae), their parasites (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) and predators (Diptera, Syrphidae) on cereals in Serbia. In: Proc. XXth Yugoslav. Entomol. Meeting, Pula 1990. Pp. 12 (Abstract). |
Starý P. (1990) Trioxys brevicornis, a new parasitoid and potential biocontrol agent of the asparagus aphid, Brachycorynella asparagi (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae, Homoptera, Aphidoidea). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
87: 87-96.
Starý P. (1990) The asparagus aphid, Brachycorynella asparagi (Mordv.) (Hom., Aphididae) and its natural enemy spectrum in Czechoslovakia. J. Appl. Ent.
110: 253-260.
Starý P. (1990) Blattlauswespen. In: Starý B., Bezděčka P., Čapek M., Starý P., Šedivý J. & Zelený J. (eds) Atlas nützlicher Forstinsekten, 103 p. Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin, pp. 45-47, Plates 95-96. |
Starý P.,
Havelka J. (1990) The aphid Macrosiphum albifrons, a new pest of Lupinus species in Czechoslovakia. Ochrana rostlin
26: 53-58.
Starý P., Petrović O. (1990) Parasitoids on cereal aphids in Yugoslavia. Russian Wheat Aphid News (Colorado State Univ.) 4 (4), 5. |
Starý P., Stechmann D. (1990) Ephedrus cerasicola Starý (Hym., Aphidiidae), a new biocontrol agent of the banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq. (Hom., Aphididae). J. Appl. Ent.
109: 457-462.