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Total found: 7755 records
Wagner A., Linke D., Grunicke F., Berendonk T.U. (2024) Thermal Tolerance and Vulnerability to Climate Change of a Threatened Freshwater Mussel. Diversity 16: article number: 39.
DOI: 10.3390/d16010039
Walter J., Görner T., Šulda L., Bureš J., Myslík Z., Milička R., Sucháčková Bartoňová A., Beneš P., Biemann O., Brus J. (2024) First Czech record of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax) and a climatic prediction of its spread in the Czech Republic. BioInvasions Records 13: 607-620.
DOI: 10. 3391/bir.2024.13.3.04
Walter J., Hradská I., Kout J., Vodička S., Matějková I., Konvička M. (2024) Assembly of heterotrophic communities during spontaneous succession in quarries: invertebrates model groups and macromycetes. Restoration Ecology 32: article number: e14081.
DOI: 10.1111/rec.14081
Weiss M., Zimová K., Mogia M., Novotný V. (2024) Bark and ambrosia beetles on native and transplanted dead wood along an altitudinal tropical forest gradient. Biotropica 56: article number: e13316.
DOI: 10.1111/btp.13316
Wróblewska A., Ostrowiecka B., Kotowitz J., Jermakowicz E., Talalaj I., Szefer P. (2024) What are the drivers of female success in food-deceptive orchids? Ecology and Evolution 14: article number: e11233.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11233
Wu C., Zabelina V., Žurovcová M., Žurovec M. (2024) Characterization and comparative analysis of sericin protein 150 in Bombyx mori. Scientific Reports 14: article number: 20990.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-71503-2
Wu K., Yang B., Chen R., Majeed R., Li B., Gong L., Wei X., Yang J., Tang Y., Wang A., Toufeeq S., Shaik H. A., Huang W., Guo X., Ling E. (2024) Lack of signal peptide in insect prophenoloxidase to avoid glycosylation to damage the zymogen activity. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 160: article number: 105230.
DOI: 10.1016/j.dci.2024.105230
Xiao X., Ré Jorge L., Volf M., Moos M., Gélin U., Finnie S., Freiberga I., Jančúchová Lásková J., Weiss M., Novotný V., Sam K. (2024) The effect of drought-induced leaf traits on Ficus leaf palatability is species specific. Ecosphere 15: article number: e4831.
DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4831
Zarges S., Wohlert J., Kamp J., Thorn S., Müller J., Hagge J. (2024) Debarking harvesters simultaneously combat the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) and conserve non-target beetle diversity. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5: article number: e12353.
DOI: 10.1002/2688-8319.12353
Zheng L., Barry K.E., Guerrero-Ramírez N.R., Craven D., Reich P.B., Verheyen K., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Eisenhauer N., Barsoum N., Bauhaus J., et al., Lepš J., Mereu S., Messier C., Montagnini F., et al., Tilman D., Yan E., Hautier Y. (2024) Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications 15: article number: 2078.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-46355-z
Zou Y., Zohner C.M., Averill C., Ma H., Merder J., Berdugo M., Bialic-Murphy L., Mo L., Brun P., Zimmermann N.E., Liang J., de-Miguel S., Nabuurs G.-J., Reich P.B., Niinements U., Dahlgren J., Kändler G., Ratcliffe S., Ruiz-Benito P., de Zavala M.A., GFBI consortium including, Fayle T. M., et al., Crowther T.W. (2024) Positive feedbacks and alternative stable states in forest leaf types. Nature Communications 15: article number: 4658.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-48676-5
Zvereva E.L., Adroit B., Andersson T., Barnett C.R.A., Branco S., Castagneyrol B., Chiarenza G.M., Dáttilo W., del-Val E., Filip J., Griffith J., Hargreaves A.L., Hernández-Agüero J.A., Silva I.L.H., Hong Y., Kietzka G., Koistinen M., Klimeš P., Kruglova O., Kumpula S., Lopezosa P., March-Salas M., Marquis R., Marusik Y.M., Moles A.T., Muola A., Murkwe M., Nakamura A., Olson C., Pagani-Núñez E., Popova A., Rahn O., Reshchikov A., Rodriguez-Campbell A., Rytkönen S., Sam K., Sounapoglou A., Tropek R., Wenda C., Xu G., Zeng Y., Zolotarev M., Zubrii N., Zverev V., Kozlov M.V. (2024) Predation on live and artificial insect prey shows different global latitudinal patterns Global Ecology and Biogeography 33: article number: e13899.
DOI: 10.1111/geb.13899
Arora J., Buček A., Hellemans S., Beránková T., Arias J.R., Fisher B., Clitheroe C., Brune A., Kinjo Y., Šobotník J., Bourguignon T. (2023) Evidence of cospeciation between termites and their gut bacteria on a geological time scale. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: article number: 20230619.
DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.0619
Ashe-Jepson E., Arizala Cobo S., Basset Y. F., Bladon A.J., Klečková I., Laird-Hopkins B., Mcfarlane A., Sam K., Savage A.F., Zamora A.C., Turner E., Lamarre G. (2023) Tropical butterflies use thermal buffering and thermal tolerance as alternative strategies to cope with temperature increase. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1759-1770.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13970
Awad M., Piálková R., Haelewaters D., Nedvěd O. (2023) Infection patterns of Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) by ectoparasitic microfungi and endosymbiotic bacteria. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 197: article number: 107887.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jip.2023.107887
Bajgar A., Krejčová G. (2023) On the origin of macrophage functional versatility. Frontiers in Physiology 14: article number: 1128984.
DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1128984
Basset Y. F., Blažek P., Souto-Vilarós D., Vargas G., Silva J.A.R., Barrios H., Perez F., Bobadilla R., Lopez Y., Čtvrtečka R., Šípek P., Solís A., Segar S.T., Lamarre G. (2023) Towards a functional classification of poorly known tropical insects: The case of rhinoceros beetles (Coleoptera, Dynastinae) in Panama. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 147-163.
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12613
Basset Y. F., Butterill P. T., Donoso D., Lamarre G., Souto-Vilarós D., Perez F., Bobadilla R., Lopez Y., Silva J. A. R., Barrios H. (2023) Abundance, occurrence and time series: long-term monitoring of social insects in a tropical rainforest. Ecological Indicators 150: article number: 110243.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110243
Berec L., Diviák T., Kuběna A., Levínský R., Neruda R., Scuhopárová G., Šlerka J., Šmíd M., Trnka J., Tuček V., Vidnerová P., Zajíček M. (2023) On the contact tracing for COVID-19: A simulation study. Epidemics 43: article number: 100677.
DOI: 10.1016/j.epidem.2023.100677
Bezděk A., Sehnal R., Elmi H.S.A., Sommer D., Král D. (2023) Entyposis frici (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae), a new species from Somaliland ZooKeys 1165: 1-15.
DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1165.101908
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