
Lathbury's Nomad Bee (Nomada...

two-tailed pasha (Charaxes jasius)

six-belted clearwing (Bembecia...

tachinid Nowickia ferox

Ailanthus silkmoth (Samia...

gnaphosid spider Callilepis...

linden aphid (Eucallipterus tiliae)

maple periphyllus aphid

cuckoo wasp Chrysis bicolor

acorn weevil (Curculio glandium)
![bee beetle (Trichodes apiarius] bee beetle (Trichodes apiarius] Trichodes apiarius](https://www.entu.cas.cz/app/public/data/cds/___cache/150x100/7336_Trichodes_apiarius_4360.jpg)
bee beetle (Trichodes apiarius]

beech splendour beetle (Agrilus...

beech splendour beetle (Agrilus...

Jersey Tiger (Euplagia...

Large Pied-hoverfly (Volucella...

Indian eri silkworm (Samia...

Purpuricenus kaehleri

Striped Oak Bug (Rhabdomiris...

zebra spider (Salticus scenicus)

Gold Spot (Plusia festucae)

caddis fly Phrygaena grandis

cardinal beetle (Pyrochroa...

robber fly (Pogonosoma maroccanum)

longhorn beetle Pyrrhidium...

peach weevil (Rhynchites bacchus)

alderfly (Sialis)

cuckoo bee (Sphecodes)

golden-bloomed grey longhorn...

lesser purple emperor (Apatura...

snake fly (Raphidia)

longhorned beetle Plagionotus...

honey bee (Apis mellifera)

ground beetle (Poecilus)

European Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips...

tachinid fly Cylindromyia pusilla

giant willow aphid...

cereal leaf beetle (Oulema...

stonefly (Taeniopteryx)

bee beetle (Trichius fasciatus)

Black-tailed skimmer (Orthetrum...

Twin spot longhorn beetle...

the white prominent (Leucodonta...

large pine weevil (Hylobius...

leaf beetle Hispella testacea

black-cloaked bee-fly...

green tiger beetle (Cicindela...

caterpillar of the puss moth...

hazel-leaf roller weevil...

metallic wood-boring beetle...

ground beetle Agonum sexpunctatum

pot beetle (Cryptocephalus)

Burnished Brass (Diachrysia...

Green Emerald Damselfly...

multicolored Asian lady beetle...

multicolored Asian lady beetle...

common backswimmer (Notonecta...

larva of the mayfly (genus...

millipede Glomeris hexasticha

hoverfly Helophilus

Gold pit oak splendour beetle...

large wallnut aphid (Callaphis...

orange swift (Triodia sylvina)

arched marble (Olethreutes...

22 Spot Ladybird (Psyllobora...

malachite beetle (Malachius...

chequered skipper...

ten-spotted lady beetle (Adalia...


jumping spider Carrhotus...

Ovalisia rutilans

ant beetle (Thanasimus formicarius)

Mottled umber (Erannis defoliaria)

Large Emerald (Geometra...

Agriphila tristella

figwort weevil (Cionus...

firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus

weevil Phyllobius

Southern White Admiral...

carpenter bee Xylocopa

alder moth (Acronicta alni)

common oak gall wasp (Cynips...

Anthophora bee

bee Halictus

marsh marigold moth (Micropterix...