Butterflies and burnet moths of South Bohemia
Fig.: Sample two sheets from a book Hanč et al. (2019).: The Meleager's blue is rare in South Bohemia. It used to be more widespread in the past, currently the species occupies only two faunistic grid-squares.
The book shows distribution of 144 Lepidoptera species recorded in South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Whereas the region is regarded as a romantic place with natural landscapes, altogether 33 species are regionally extinct and 58 species are endangered. The book informs a reader with history of butterfly and moth investigations, with various habitats through butterfly eyes and at the end with distribution analyses and a regional Red list. The book contains large number of photographs of butterflies and their habitats.
Hanč Z., Beneš J., Faltýnek Fric Z., Pavlíčko A., Zapletal M. (2019) Denní motýli a vřetenušky jižních Čech. Vydal Jihočeský kraj ve spolupráci s Agenturou ochrany přírody a krajiny ČR a Biologickým centrem AV ČR, v. v. i., Entomologickým ústavem. ISBN 978-80-87520-53-6.437 pp.