Upright BX63 (Olympus)


  1. Applications of the BX63
  2. BX63 Instrument Specifications
  3. 3) BX63 booklets and user manuals

1) Applications of the BX63 microscope

  • Brightfield Imaging with DIC contrast.
  • Darkfield imaging.
  • Widefield fluorescence imaging.
  • Multiple XY position imaging with large sample stitching.
  • Z-stack imaging and 3D reconstruction.


2) BX63 Instrument specifications

Widefield Olympus BX63 fluorescence microscope is an upright fully motorized BX63F microscope equipped with:

X-Cite Turbo LED light source (high-power, uniform, multi-wavelength). Available excitation bands:

  • 385nm (375-400nm)
  • 430nm (415-450nm)
  • 475nm (460-495nm)
  • 525nm (505-550nm)
  • 575nm (555-610nm)
  • 630nm (615-660nm)

Halogen Lamp (100W)

Motorized Condenser (incl fluorescence)

DIC (Difference Interference Contrast) prisms

Motorized XY stage

Motorized Z focus

Motorized nosepiece with automatic focusing bettween different objective lenses

DP74 20.7 Mpx Color CMOS Camera

cellSens Dimension software


3) BX63 booklets and user manuals







Biology Centre CAS
Institute of Entomology
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice

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