Upright BX63 (Olympus)
- Applications of the BX63
- BX63 Instrument Specifications
- 3) BX63 booklets and user manuals
1) Applications of the BX63 microscope
- Brightfield Imaging with DIC contrast.
- Darkfield imaging.
- Widefield fluorescence imaging.
- Multiple XY position imaging with large sample stitching.
- Z-stack imaging and 3D reconstruction.
2) BX63 Instrument specifications
Widefield Olympus BX63 fluorescence microscope is an upright fully motorized BX63F microscope equipped with:
X-Cite Turbo LED light source (high-power, uniform, multi-wavelength). Available excitation bands:
- 385nm (375-400nm)
- 430nm (415-450nm)
- 475nm (460-495nm)
- 525nm (505-550nm)
- 575nm (555-610nm)
- 630nm (615-660nm)
Halogen Lamp (100W)
Motorized Condenser (incl fluorescence)
DIC (Difference Interference Contrast) prisms
Motorized XY stage
Motorized Z focus
Motorized nosepiece with automatic focusing bettween different objective lenses
DP74 20.7 Mpx Color CMOS Camera
cellSens Dimension software
3) BX63 booklets and user manuals