List of publications
Total found: 262 records |
Marec F. (2008) Molecular Cytogenetics for Cytotaxonomy and Evolutionary Analyses in Invertebrates. In: Abstracts, 6th International Workshop on Cestode Systematics and Phylogeny, 15-20 June 2008, Smolenice, Slovakia, p. 15. |
Van’t Hof A.E.,
Marec F., Saccheri I.J., Brakefield P.M., Zwaan B.J. (2008) Cytogenetic characterization and AFLP-based genetic linkage mapping for the butterfly Bicyclus anynana, covering all 28 karyotyped chromosomes. PLoS ONE
3: e3882.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003882 |
Bombarová M.,
Marec F.,
Nguyen P., Špakulová M. (2007) Divergent location of ribosomal genes in chromosomes of fish thorny-headed worms, Pomphorhynchus laevis and P. tereticollis (Acanthocephala). Genetica
131: 141–149. Epub2006.
DOI: 10.1007/s10709-006-9124-3 |
Dalíková M.,
Marec F. (2007) Histone H4 acetylation on the W chromosome of the flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera). Chromosome Res.
15: 23-24.
Fuková I., Traut W., Kubíčková S.,
Marec F. (2007) Repetitive elements on the codling moth W chromosome. Chromosome Res.
15: 77.
Fuková I., Traut W.,
Vítková M.,
Nguyen P., Kubíčková S.,
Marec F. (2007) Probing the W chromosome of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, with sequences from microdissected sex chromatin. Chromosoma
116: 135-145. Epub 2006.
DOI: 10.1007/s00412-006-0086-0 |
Marec F., Fuková I., Dalíková M., Neven L.G. (2007) Developing transgenic sexing strains in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. In: Programme and Abstracts, 77th Congress of the Japanese Society of Sericultural Science in Japan, 3-4 April 2007, Tsukuba, Japan, p. 88 |
Marec F.,
Fuková I.,
Vítková M., Kubíčková S., Traut W. (2007) Laser microdissection of sex chromatin: a new tool for sequence and evolutionary analyses of the non-recombining W chromosome in Lepidoptera. Chromosome Res.
15: 73.
Marec F., Neven L. G., Fuková I. (2007) Developing transgenic sexing strains for the release of non-transgenic sterile male codling moths Cydia pomonella. In: Vreysen M.J.B., Robinson A.S., Hendrichs J. (eds.) Area-Wide Control of Insect Pests. From Research to Field Implementation, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 103-111 |
Nguyen P., Sahara K.,
Yoshido A.,
Marec F. (2007) Chromosomal distribution of rDNA in Lepidoptera. Chromosome Res.
15: 33.
Rábová M., Marec F., Musilová Z., Choleva L., Ráb P. (2007) Cytogenetics of bisexual species and their asexual hybrid clones in European spined loaches, genus Cobitis. III. Attempts to identify parental chromosomes in hybrid genomes by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). In: Book of Abstracts, XII European Congres of Ichtyology, 9-13 Sept. 2007, Cavtat (Dubrovnik), Croatia, p. 190-191 |
Sahara K.,
Yoshido A.,
Marec F.,
Fuková I., Kamimura M., Yasukochi Y. (2007) BAC-FISH mapping of synteny between chromosomes of Bombyx mori and Manduca sexta. Chromosome Res.
15: 32.
Sahara K.,
Yoshido A.,
Marec F.,
Fuková I., Zhang H. B., Wu C. C., Goldsmith M. R., Yasukochi Y. (2007) Conserved synteny of genes between chromosome 15 of Bombyx mori and a chromosome of Manduca sexta shown by five-color BAC-FISH. Genome
50: 1061-1065.
DOI: 10.1139/G07-082 |
Traut W., Sahara K.,
Marec F. (2007) Sex chromosomes and sex determination in Lepidoptera. Sexual Development
1: 332-346. Epub 2008.
DOI: 10.1159/000111765 |
Traut W., Szczepanowski M.,
Vítková M., Opitz C.,
Marec F.,
Zrzavý J. (2007) The telomere repeat motif of basal Metazoa. Chromosome Research
15: 371-382.
DOI: 10.1007/s10577-007-1132-3 |
Vítková M.,
Fuková I. (2007) Study of mechanisms explaining spreading multiple copies of the period gene in the W chromosome of Antheraea pernyi. Chromosome Res.
15: 76.
Vítková M.,
Fuková I., Kubíčková S.,
Marec F. (2007) Molecular divergence of the W chromosomes in pyralid moths (Lepidoptera). Chromosome Research
15: 917-930.
DOI: 10.1007/s10577-007-1173-7 |
Yoshido A., Matsuda Y.,
Marec F., Sahara K. (2007) Sex-chromosome polymorphism of the silkmoth, Samia cynthia. Chromosome Res.
15: 75.
Yoshido A., Yasukochi Y.,
Marec F., Abe H., Sahara K. (2007) FISH analysis of the W chromosome in Bombyx mandarina and several other Lepidoptera by means of B. mori W-BAC probes. Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology
76: 1-7.
Fuková I., Traut W., Kubíčková S., Marec F. (2006) Laser microdissection of the W chromosome in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella. In: Abstracts, 7th International Workshop on the Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera, 20-26 August 2006, Kolympari, Crete, Greece, p. 105 |