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Total found: 262 records
Marec F., Vítková M. (2004) Extraordinary telomeres of insect chromosomes. In: 3rd European workshop on: Role of Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer and Aging, Ladenburg, Germany, 21-23 November 2004 (talk)
Marec F., Vítková M., Fuková I., Yoshido A., Sahara K., Traut W. (2004) Molecular differentiation of W chromosomes in Lepidoptera. Chromosome Res. 12: 91 (lecture L105).
Mediouni J., Fuková I., Frydrychová R., Dhouibi M. H., Marec F. (2004) Karyotype, sex chromatin and sex chromosome differentiation in the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Caryologia 57: 184-194.
DOI: 10.1080/00087114.2004.10589391
Vítková M., Fuková I., Marec F. (2004) Markers for uncovering the evolution of sex chromosomes in Lepidoptera. Chromosome Res. 12: 97 (poster PO:08:13).
Vítková M., Král J., Traut W., Zrzavý J., Marec F. (2004) The evolutionary origin of insect telomeric repeats, (TTAGG)n. In: 3rd European workshop on: Role of Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer and Aging, Ladenburg, Germany, 21-23 November 2004 (poster)
Yoshido A., Sahara K., Yasukochi Y., Marec F. (2004) Detection of sex chromosome constitution by GISH and telomere-FISH in some Lepidoptera. Chromosome Res. 12: 98 (poster PO:08:14).
Mandrioli M., Manicardi G. C., Marec F. (2003) Cytogenetic and molecular characterization of the MBSAT1 satellite DNA in holokinetic chromosomes of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera). Chromosome Research 11: 51-56.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1022058032217
Marec F. (2003) Cytogenetic and evolutionary analysis of sex chromosomes in Lepidoptera. In: Abstracts, International Symposium on Topics of Insect Chromosome Research, 28 March 2003, at The 73rd Congress of Japanese Society of Sericological Science, 28-29 March 2003, Tokyo, Japan
Marec F. (2003) Sex chromosome system in Lepidoptera and its potential for genetic sexing. In: Working Material, First FAO/IAEA Research Co-ordination Meeting on Improvement of Codling Moth SIT to Facilitate Expansion of Field Application, 19-23 August 2002, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. IAEA, Vienna, Austria, pp. 75-86
Rego A., Marec F. (2003) Telomeric and interstitial telomeric sequences in holokinetic chromosomes of Lepidoptera: Telomeric DNA mediates association between postpachytene bivalents in achiasmatic meiosis of females. Chromosome Research 11: 681-694.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1025937808382
Sahara K., Marec F., Eickhoff U., Traut W. (2003) Moth sex chromatin probed by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). Genome 46: 339-342.
DOI: 10.1139/G03-003
Frydrychová R., Marec F. (2002) Repeated losses of TTAGG telomere repeats in evolution of beetles (Coleoptera). Genetica 115: 179-187.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1020175912128
Marec F. (2002) Chromosomal princile of inherited sterility in Lepidoptera. In: Resúmenes, V Congreso Argentino de Entomologia, 18-22 March 2002, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 25-26
Marec F. (2002) Telomeres of insect chromosomes. Program and Abstracts of Czech Republic-Taiwan New Entomological Techniques Cooperation and Development Symposium, November 25-28, 2002, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, p. 24
Marec F., Vítková M., Grossmann P., Trubač P., Frydrychová R. (2002) The occurrence of TTAGG telomeric repeats in insects and entognathous hexapods. In: Abstracts, VIIth European Congress of Entomology, 7-13 October 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece, p. 99
Sahara K., Yoshido A., Marec F., Traut W., Abe H., Mita K., Oshiki T., Shimada T., Yasukochi Y., Asano S., Band H. (2002) Approaches to chromosome identification in the silkworm. In: Proceedings of The First International Workshop of Lepidoptera Genomics, 30 September - 3 October 2002, Tsukuba, Japan, 2 pages
Tothová A., Marec F. (2002) Resistance of Lepidoptera to ionizing radiation - Chromosomal mechanisms of induced F1 sterility. In: Abstracts, International Symposium on Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Animals, Varanasi, India, 26 February - 2 March 2001, p. 65
Vítková M., Král J., Traut W., Marec F. (2002) A search for the origin of TTAGG repeats, the ancestral motif of chromosomal ends in insects. In: Abstracts, VIIth European Congress of Entomology, 7-13 October 2002, Thessaloniki, Greece, p. 134
Ambrozková M., Půta F., Fuková I., Skruzný M., Brabek J., Folk P. (2001) The fission yeast ortholog of the coregulator SKIP interacts with the small subunit of U2AF Biochem Biophys Res Commun 284: 1148-54.
Marec F., Frydrychová R. (2001) TTAGG repeats of insect telomeres do not respect phylogenetic relationships in beetles (Coleoptera). In: C. Stoll (ed.) Poster, Third European cytogenetics conference, June 7-10, 2001, Paris, France, Annales de Génétique 44, Suppl. 1, s23-s162, poster no.1-018
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