List of publications
Total found: 644 records |
Twerd L.,
Szefer P., Sobieraj-Betlińska A., Olszewski P. (2021) The conservation value of Aculeata communities in sand quarries changes during ecological succession. Global Ecology and Conservation
28: e01693.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01693 |
Vávra J.,
Weiss M., Egger M.,
Čížek L. (2021) Microrhagus pyrenaeus Bonvouloir, 1872 and Otho spondyloides (Germar, 1818) (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) in Austria. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen
73: 19-24.
Volf M., Weinhold A.,
Seifert C. L.,
Holicová T., Uthe H., Alander E., Richter R., Salminen J.-P., Wirth C., van Dam N.M. (2021) Branch-localized induction promotes efficacy of volatile defences and herbivore predation in trees. Journal of Chemical Ecology
47: 99-111.
DOI: 10.1007/s10886-020-01232-z |
Wang S., Loreau M., de Mazancourt C., Isbell F., Beierkuhnlein C., Connolly J., et al.,
Lepš J., Polley H.W., Reich P.B., van Ruijven J., et al., Craven D. (2021) Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatila asynchrony. Ecology
102: article number: e03332.
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3332 |
Weiss M.,
Kozel P.,
Zapletal M.,
Hauck D., Procházka J.,
Beneš J.,
Čížek L.,
Šebek P. (2021) The effect of coppicing on insect biodiversity. Small-scale mosaics of successional stages drive community turnover. Forest Ecology and Management
483: article number: 118774.
DOI: |
Yombai J.,
Klimeš P., Dargush P., Posman A.,
Mottl O., Mani A., Dem F.,
Novotný V. (2021) Ant species diversity, distribution and community composition in different forest types in Papua New Guinea. Case Studies in the Environment
5(1): 1342727.
DOI: 10.1525/cse.2021.1342727 |
Zahra S.,
Novotný V.,
Fayle T. M. (2021) Do reverse Janzen-Connell effects reduce species diversity? Trends in Ecology & Evolution
36: 387-390.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.02.002 |
Zhong Y., Chu C., Myers J.A., Gilbert G.S., Lutz J.A., Stillhard J., Zhu K. , Thompson J., Baltzer J., He F., LaManna J. A., Davies S., Aderson-Teixeira K.J., et al.,
Novotný V., O’Brien M.J., den Ouden J., Parker G.G., et al., Zhu L., Zimmerman J.K. (2021) Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide. Nature Communications
12: article number: 3137.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23236-3 |
Akter A., Biella P., Batáry P.,
Klečka J. (2020) Changing pollinator communities along a disturbance gradient in the Sundarbans mangrove forest: A case study on Acanthus ilicifolius and Avicennia officinalis. Global Ecology and Conservation
24: article number: e01282.
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01282 |
Araujo S.B.L., Borges M.E., Van Hartenthal F.W.,
Ré Jorge L., Lewinsohn T., Guimarães Jr. P.R., Van Baalen M. (2020) Coevolutionary patterns caused by prey selection. Journal of Theoretical Biology
501: 110327.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110327 |
Basset Y. F., Donoso D., Hajibabaei M., Wright M.T.G., Perez K.H.J.,
Lamarre G., De León L.F., Palacios-Vargas J.G., Castaño-Meneses G., Rivera M., Perez F., Bobadilla R., Lopez Y., Ramirez J., Barrios H. (2020) Methodological considerations for monitoring soil/litter arthropods in tropical rainforests using DNA metabarcording, with a special emphasis on ants, springtails and termites. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics
4: 151-163.
DOI: 10.3897/mbmg.4.58572 |
Basset Y. F., Palacios-Vargas J.G., Donoso D., Castaño-Meneses G., Decaëns T.,
Lamarre G., De León L.F., Rivera M., García-Gómez A., Perez F., Bobadilla R., Lopez Y., Ramirez J., Cruz M.M., Galván A.A., Mejía-Recamier B.E., Barrios H. (2020) Enemy-free space and the distribution of ants, springtails and termites in the soil of one tropical rainforest. European Journal of Soil Biology
99: article number: 103193.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2020.103193 |
Biella P.,
Akter A., Ollerton J., Nielsen A.,
Klečka J. (2020) An empirical attack tolerance test alters the structure and species richness of plant-pollinator networks. Functional Ecology
34: 2246-2258.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13642 |
Didham R.,
Basset Y. F., Collins C.M., Leather S., Littlewood N.A., Menz M.H.M., Müller J., Packer L., Saunders M.E., Schönrogge K. , Stewart A., Yanoviak S.P., Hassall C. (2020) Interpreting insect declines: seven challenges and a way forward. Insect Conservation and Diversity
13: 103-114.
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12408 |
Doležal J., Fibich P., Altman J.,
Lepš J., Uemura S., Takahashi K., Hara T. (2020) Determinants of ecosystem stability in a diverse temperate forest. Oikos
129: 1692-1703.
DOI: 10.1111/oik.07379 |
Ibalim S., Groom S.V.C., Dorey J.B., Velasco-Castrillon A., Schwarz M.P., Stevens M.I. (2020) Origin and dispersal of Homalictus (Apoidea: Halictidae) across Australia, Papua New Guinea and Pacific. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia
144: 1-14.
DOI: 10.1080/03721426.2020.1740957 |
Lamarre G.,
Fayle T. M.,
Segar S. T.,
Laird-Hopkins B., Nakamura A.,
Souto-Vilarós D., Watanabe S.,
Basset Y. F. (2020) Monitoring tropical insects in the 21st century. Advances in Ecological Research
62 - series: Tropical Ecosystems in the 21st Century: 295-330.
DOI: 10.1016/bs.aecr.2020.01.004 |
Leponce M., Pascal O.,
Basset Y. F.,
Novotný V. (2020) Organizing large-scale inventories of biodiversity in the tropics: the genesis and lessons of the project Our Planet Reviewed Papua New Guinea – land component. In: Robillard T., Legendre F., Villemant C. & Leponce M. (eds): Insects of Mount Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea - Volume 2., Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, ISBN 978-2-85653-836-4.
Lisner A.,
Lepš J. (2020) Everyone makes mistakes: Sampling errors in vegetation analysis – The effect of different sampling methods, abundance estimates, experimental manipulations, and data transformation. Acta Oecologica
109: article number: 103667.
DOI: 10.1016/j.actao.2020.103667 |
Mäntylä E., Kipper S., Hilker M. (2020) Insectivorous birds can see and smell systemically herbivore-induced pines. Ecology and Evolution
10: 9358-9370.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6622 |