List of publications

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Total found: 651 records
Spitzer K., Lepš J. (1990) Butterflies and trees of derived savanna in southern Vietnam. Garrulax, Biology and Conservation in Vietnam No. 6 (1989/1990), The Royal Soc. for Protection of Birds, UK, pp. 7.
Lepš J., Soldán T., Landa V. (1989) Multivariate analysis of compositional changes in communities of Ephemeroptera (insecta) in the Labe basin, Czechoslovakia - a comparison of methods. Coenoses 4: 29-37.
Spitzer K., Lepš J. (1988) Determinants of temporal variation in moth abundance. Oikos 53: 31-36.
Spitzer K., Lepš J., Soldán T. (1987) Butterly communities and habitat of seminatural savanna in southern Vietnam (Papilionoidea, Lepidoptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 84: 200-208.
Dixon A., Kindlmann P., Lepš J., Holman J. (1986) Why there are so few species of aphids, especially in the tropics. The American Naturalist 129: 580-592.
Lepš J., Kindlmann P. (1984) Models of the development of spatial pattern of an even - aged plant population over time. Intern. Symp. Praha, pp. 5.
Rejmánek M., Kindlmann P., Lepš J. (1983) Increase of stability with connectance in model competition communities. J. Theor. Biol. 101: 649-656.
Lepš J. (1982) Matematické modelování v ekologii. Biol. listy 47: 184-205.
Lepš J., Lepšová A., Prach K., Rauch O., Rejmánek M., Rydlo J., Sajverová E. (1982) Poznámka k vlivu zimních klimatických poměrů na vegetaci lokality Riaba skala v Bukovských vrších. Preslia 54: 277-280.
Lepš J., Osbornová J., Rejmánek M. (1982) Community stability, complexity and species life history strategies. Vegetatio 50: 53-63.
Lepš J., Prach K. (1981) A simple mathematical model of the secondary succesion of shrubs. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 16: 61-72.
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