List of publications
Total found: 651 records |
Spitzer K., Lepš J. (1990) Butterflies and trees of derived savanna in southern Vietnam. Garrulax, Biology and Conservation in Vietnam No. 6 (1989/1990), The Royal Soc. for Protection of Birds, UK, pp. 7. |
Lepš J.,
Soldán T., Landa V. (1989) Multivariate analysis of compositional changes in communities of Ephemeroptera (insecta) in the Labe basin, Czechoslovakia - a comparison of methods. Coenoses
4: 29-37.
Spitzer K.,
Lepš J. (1988) Determinants of temporal variation in moth abundance. Oikos
53: 31-36.
Spitzer K.,
Lepš J.,
Soldán T. (1987) Butterly communities and habitat of seminatural savanna in southern Vietnam (Papilionoidea, Lepidoptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
84: 200-208.
Dixon A., Kindlmann P.,
Lepš J.,
Holman J. (1986) Why there are so few species of aphids, especially in the tropics. The American Naturalist
129: 580-592.
Lepš J., Kindlmann P. (1984) Models of the development of spatial pattern of an even - aged plant population over time. Intern. Symp. Praha, pp. 5. |
Rejmánek M., Kindlmann P.,
Lepš J. (1983) Increase of stability with connectance in model competition communities. J. Theor. Biol.
101: 649-656.
Lepš J. (1982) Matematické modelování v ekologii. Biol. listy
47: 184-205.
Lepš J., Lepšová A., Prach K., Rauch O., Rejmánek M., Rydlo J., Sajverová E. (1982) Poznámka k vlivu zimních klimatických poměrů na vegetaci lokality Riaba skala v Bukovských vrších. Preslia
54: 277-280.
Lepš J., Osbornová J., Rejmánek M. (1982) Community stability, complexity and species life history strategies. Vegetatio
50: 53-63.
Lepš J., Prach K. (1981) A simple mathematical model of the secondary succesion of shrubs. Folia Geobot. Phytotax.
16: 61-72.