List of publications

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Total found: 640 records
Vacek S., Lepš J. (1999) Vegetační dynamika v lesních ekosystémech Krkonoš. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol. 17: 89-101.
Wasel H., Drozd P., Lepš J. (1999) Kolik rostlin znáš, tolikrát jsi Papuáncem. Vesmír 78: 314-318.
Basset Y., Novotný V., Miller S., Springate N. (1998) Assessing the impact of forest disturbance on tropical invertebrates: some comments. J. Appl. Ecol. 35: 461-466.
Lepš J., Spitzer K., Jaroš J. (1998) Food plants, species composition and variability of the moth community in undisturbed forest. Oikos 81: 538-548.
Novotný V. (1998) Věda naší doby: nic nového pod sluncem. Vesmír 77: 216-217.
Novotný V. (1998) Co si myslí lesní lidé? Vyhlídky lesů Papuy-Nové Guiney na přežití. Vesmír 77: 195-201.
Novotný V. (1998) O papuánských jazycích a aritmetickém průměru. Vesmír 77: 263-266.
Novotný V., Basset Y. (1998) Seasonality of sap-sucking insects (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) feeding on Ficus (Moraceae) in a lowland rain forest in New Guinea. Oecologia 115: 514-522.
Novotný V., Basset Y., Miller S., Allison A., Samuelson G., Orsak L. (1998) The diversity of tropical insect herbivores: an approach to collaborative international research in Papua New Guinea. In: Lee B.H., Choe J.C. (eds.) Proceeding of the International Conference on Taxonomy and Biodiversity Conservation in the East Asia.
Novotný V., Lepš J. (1998) Distribution of leafhoppers (Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera) on their host plant Oxyspora paniculata (Melastomataceae) in the understory of a diverse rainforest. Ecotropica 3: 83-90.
Špačková I., Kotorová I., Lepš J. (1998) Sensitivity of seedling recruitment to moss, litter and dominant removal in an oligotrophic wet meadow. Folia Geobot. 33: 17-30.
Basset Y., Novotný V., Weiblen G. (1997) Ficus: a resource for arthropods in the tropics, with particular reference to New Guinea. In: Forests and Insects. (Watt A.D., Stork N.E., and Hunter M.D., eds.). Chapman and Hall, pp. 341-361.
Li Z., Novotný V. (1997) A new species of the genus Carinata from Vietnam (Homoptera: Cicadellidae, Evacanthinae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 40: 187-188.
Novotný V., Wilson M. (1997) Why are there no small species among xylem-sucking insects? Evolutionary Ecology 11: 419-437.
Spitzer K., Jaroš J., Havelka J., Lepš J. (1997) Effect of small-scale disturbance on butterfly communities of an Indochinese montane rainforest. Biol. Conserv. 80: 9-15.
Křenová Z., Lepš J. (1996) Regeneration of a Gentiana pneumonanthe population in an oligotrophic wet meadow. J. Veget. Sci. 7: 107-112.
Novotný V., Kindlmann P. (1996) Distribution of body sizes in arthropod taxa and communities. Oikos 75: 75-82.
Prach K., Lepš J. (1996) Establishment of Picea abies seedlings in a central European mountain grassland: an experimental study. J. Veget. Sci. 7: 681-684.
Rejmánek M., Lepš J. (1996) Negative associations can reveal interspecific competition and reversal of competitive hierarchies during succesion. Oikos 76: 161-168.
Vacek S., Lepš J., Štefančík I., Cicák A. (1996) Precision of visual estimates of tree defoliation. Lesnictví 42: 49-53.
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