List of publications
Total found: 644 records |
Basset Y., Novotný V., Miller S., Kitching R. (2003) Conclusion: arthropods, canopies and interpretable patterns. In Arthropods of Tropical Forests: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Resource Use in the Canopy (Eds. Y. Basset, V. Novotny, S.E. Miller & R. Kitching), pp. 394-405, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
Kletečka Z.,
Klečka J. (2003) Rozšíření Cerambyx cerdo L. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) v jižních Čechách. [Distribution of Cerambyx cerdo L. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in South Bohemia.] Sborník Jihočeského Muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní Vědy
43: 71-78.
Miller S.,
Novotný V., Basset Y. (2003) Studies on New Guinea moths. I. Introduction. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
105: 1035-1043.
Novotný V., Basset Y., Kitching R. (2003) Herbivore communities and their food resources In Arthropods of Tropical Forests: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Resource Use in the Canopy (Eds. Y. Basset, V. Novotny, S.E. Miller & R. Kitching)Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Novotný V., Miller S.,
Čížek L.,
Lepš J.,
Janda M., Basset Y., Darrow K., Weiblen G. (2003) Colonizing aliens: caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on Piper aduncum and P. umbellatum in rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Ecol. Entomol.
28: 704-716.
Novotný V., Miller S.,
Čížek L.,
Lepš J.,
Janda M., Basset Y., Weiblen G., Darrow K. (2003) Colonising aliens: caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on Piper aduncum and P. umbellatum in rainforests of Papua New Guinea. Ecological Entomology
28: 704–716.
Lepš J.,
Novotný V.,
Čížek L., Molem K., Isua B., Boen W., Kutil R., Auga J., Kasbal M., Manumbor M., Hiuk S. (2002) ) Successful invasion of the neotropical species Piper aduncum in rain forests in Papua New Guinea. Appl. Veg. Sci.
5: 255-267.
Miller S., Novotný V., Basset Y. (2002) ) Case studies of arthropod diversity and distribution. In: Foundations of Tropical Forest Biology: Key papers and commentaries. (eds. R. L. Chazdon and T. C. Whitmore), pp. 407-413, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. |
Novotný V., Basset Y., Miller S., Drozd P.,
Čížek L. (2002) Host specialisation of leaf chewing insects in a New Guinea rainforest. J. Anim. Ecol.
71: 400-412.
Novotný V., Basset Y., Miller S., Weiblen G., Bremer B.,
Čížek L., Drozd P. (2002) Low host specificity of herbivorous insects in a tropical forest. Nature
416: 841-844.
Novotný V., Miller S., Basset Y.,
Čížek L., Drozd P., Darrow K.,
Lepš J. (2002) Predictably simple: communities of caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on rainforest trees in Papua New Guinea. Proc. R. Soc. London, Biol. Sci. B
269: 2337-2344.
Isua B., Molem K.,
Lepš J.,
Novotný V. (2001) Americký pepřovník na papuánských zahrádkách. Vesmír
80: 564-565.
Lepš J. (2001) Species-pool hypothesis: Limits to its testing. Folia Geobot.
36: 45-52.
Lepš J., Brown V., Len T., Gormsen D., Hedlund K., Kailov J., Korthals G., Mortimer S., Barrueco C., Roy J. (2001) Separating the chance effect from other diversity effects in the functioning of plant communities. Oikos
92: 123-124.
Lepš J.,
Novotný V., Basset Y. (2001) Habitat and successional status of plants in relation to the communities of their leaf-chewing herbivores in Papua New Guinea. J. Ecol.
89: 186-199.
Mattoni R., Longcore T., Zonneveld C.,
Novotný V. (2001) Analysis of transect counts to monitor population size in endangered insects: the case of the El Segundo blue butterfly, Euphilotes bernardino allyni. Journal of Insect Conservation
5: 197-206.
Novotný V. (2001) Náš dům, náš hrad. Vesmír
80: 312.
Novotný V. (2001) Výzkumné týmy přicházejí za povyku píšťal. Vesmír
80: 345-346.
Novotný V. (2001) Kmenové boje připravují Papuánce na globalizaci. Lidové noviny, 10. 2. 2001, Věda, str. 18. |
Novotný V. (2001) Dobrodružství na zahrádce. Vesmír
80: 707.