List of publications

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Total found: 644 records
Koutecká E., Lepš J. (2009) Effect of Light and Moisture Conditions and Seed Age on Germination of Three Closely Related Myosotis Species Folia Geobotanica 44: 109-130..
Lanta V., Lepš J. (2009) How does surrounding vegetation affect the course of succession: A five-year container experiment Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 686-694..
Novotný V. (2009) Beta diversity of plant-insect food webs in tropical forests: a conceptual framework. Insect Conservation and Diversity 2: 5-9.
Novotný V. (2009) Notebooks from New Guinea. Field Notes of a Tropical Biologist. Oxford University Press, Oxford
Pakeman R., Lepš J., Kleyer M., Lavorel S., Garnier E. (2009) Relative climatic, edaphic and management controls of plant functional trait signatures Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 148-159.
Basset Y., Missa O., Alonso A., Miller S., Curletti G., De Meyer M., Eardley C., Lewis O., Mansell M., Novotný V., Wagner T. (2008) Changes in arthropod assemblages along a wide gradient of disturbance in Gabon. Conservation Biology 22: 1552-1563.
Basset Y., Missa O., Alonso A., Miller S., Curletti G., De Meyer M., Eardley C., Mansell M., Novotný V., Wagner T. (2008) Faunal turnover of arthropod assemblages along a wide gradient of disturbance in Gabon. African Entomology 16: 47-59.
Basset Y., Missa O., Alonso A., Miller S., Curletti G., De Meyer M., Eardley C., Lewis O., Mansell M., Novotný V., Wagner T. (2008) Choice of metrics for studying arthropod responses to habitat disturbance: one example from Gabon. Insect Conservation and Diversity 1: 55–66.
Crémieux L., Bischoff A., Šmilauerová M., Lawson C., Mortimer S., Doležal J., Lanta V., Edwards A., Brook A., Tscheulin T., Macel M., Lepš J. (2008) Potential contribution of natural enemies to patterns of local adaptation in plants. New Phytologist 180: 524-533.
Galvánek D., Lepš J. (2008) Changes of species richness pattern in mountain grasslands: abandonment versus restoration. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 3241-3253.
Hulcr J., Novotný V., Maurer B., Cognato A. (2008) Low beta diversity of ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae and Platypodinae) in lowland rainforests of Papua New Guinea Oikos 117: 214-222.
Klimeš P., Janda M., Novotný V., Ibalim S., Kua J. (2008) Selective eradication of ants from rainforest vegetation in New Guinea: testing new approach in the canopy. Talk Nr. 3 in 15. In: The Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation 9-13 June 2008, Paramaribo (Suriname, South America), p124.
Lanta V., Lepš J. (2008) Effect of plant species richness on weed invasion in experimental plant communities. Plant Ecology 198: 253-263.
Macek P., Lepš J. (2008) Environmental correlates of growth traits of the stoloniferous plant Potentilla palustris. Evolutionary Ecology 22: 419-435.
Pakeman R., Garnier E., Lavorel S., Ansquer P., Castro H., Cruz P., Doležal J., Eriksson O., Freitas H., Golodets C., Kigel J., Kleyer M., Lepš J., Meier T., Papadimitriou M., Papanastasis V., Quested H., Quétier F., Rusch G., Sternberg M., Theau (2008) Impact of abundance weighting on the response of seed traits to climate and land use. Journal of Ecology 96: 355-366.
Pálková K., Lepš J. (2008) Positive relationship between plant palatability and litter decomposition in meadow plants. Community Ecology 9: 17-27.
Basset Y., Corbara B., Barrios H., Cuénoud P., Leponce M., Aberlenc H., Bail J., Bito D., Bridle J., Castano-Meneses G., Čížek L., Novotný V. (2007) IBISCA-Panama, a large-scale study of arthropod beta-diversity and vertical stratification in a lowland rainforest: rationale, study sites and field protocols. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 77: 39-69.
Boukal D., Boukal M., Fikáček M., Hájek J., Klečka J., Skalický S., Šťastný J., Trávníček D. (2007) Katalog vodních brouků České republiky / Catalogue of water beetles of the Czech Republic. Klapalekiana 43: 1-289.
De Bello F., Lepš J., Lavorel S., Moretti M. (2007) Importance of species abundance for assessment of traits composition: an example based on pollinator communities. Community Ecology 8: 163-170.
De Bello F., Lepš J., Sebastiá M. (2007) Grazing effect on the species-area relationship: Variation along a climatic gradient in NE Spain. Journal of Vegetation Science 18: 25-34.
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