List of publications

Total found: 192 records
Korejs K., Koane B., Jeppy S., Ré Jorge L., Novotný V., Sam K. (2025) Feeding Specialisation Shapes Avian Functional Diversity Along a Tropical Rainforest Elevational Gradient. Journal of Biogeography Early View: DOI: 10.1111/jbi.15103
Mezzomo P., Leong J., Pokorný V., Ré Jorge L., Volfová T., Kozel P., Vodrážka P., Seifert C.L., Aurová K., Moos M., Engström M.T., Salminen J.-P., Volf M. (2025) Effects of pronounced seasonal turnover and intraspecific variation in leaf traits on specialization of insect herbivores associated with six Salicaceae hosts. Oecologia 207: article number: 34.
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-025-05672-w
Schillé L., Plat N., Barbaro L., Jactel H., Raspail F., Rivoal J.-B., Castegneyrol B., Mrázová A. (2025) Camera traps unable to determine whether plasticine models of caterpillars reliably measure bird predation. PLoS ONE 20: article number: e0308431.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0308431
Borges J.P.R., Ferreira I.A.O., Silva D.N., Novaes C.S., Machado A.C.P., Baronio G.J., Ré Jorge L., Rech A.R. (2024) Unveiling the reproduction of Proteopsis argentea (Asteraceae): how the complex pollination system might influence its conservation status Brazilian Journal of Botany 47: 1091–1099.
DOI: 10.1007/s40415-024-01025-8
Clemencin L., Barba E., Diez Méndez D. (2024) Research disturbance negatively impacts incubation behaviour of female great tits. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: article number: 99.
DOI: 10.1007/s00265-024-03514-y
Diez Méndez D., Cunningham S.J. (2024) Open-cup nesters in the Kalahari: Incubation and egg-shading behaviour in passerines cannot be detected with temperature dataloggers during hot periods. Journal of Arid Environments 222: article number: 105159.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2024.105159
Finnie S., Butterill P. T., Novotný V., Redmond C. M., Ré Jorge L., Abe T., Lamarre G., Maicher V., Sam K. (2024) Vertical stratification and defensive traits of caterpillars against parasitoids in a lowland tropical forest in Cameroon. Oecologia 204: 915-930.
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-024-05542-x
Ismaeel A., Tai A.P.K., Santos E.G., Maraia H., Aalto I., Altman J., Doležal J., Lembrechts J.J., Camargo J.L., Aalto J., Sam K., et al., Plichta R., Abera T., Maeda E.E. (2024) Patterns of tropical forest understory temperatures. Nature Communications 15: article number: 549.
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44734-0
Leong J., Mezzomo P., Kozel P., Volfová T., de Lima Ferreira P., Seifert C.L., Butterill P. T., Freiberga I., Michálek J., Matos Maravi P. F., Weinhold A., Engström M.T., Salminen J.-P., Segar S.T., Sedio B.E., Volf M. (2024) Effects of individual traits vs. trait syndromes on assemblages of various herbivore guilds associated with central European Salix. Oecologia 205: 725-737.
DOI: 10.1007/s00442-024-05569-0
Maglianesi M.A., Varassin I.G., Ávalos G., Ré Jorge L. (2024) A phylogenetic perspective on ecological specialisation reveals hummingbird and insect pollinators have generalist diets Oikos 2024: article number: e10208.
DOI: 10.1111/oik.10208
Maraia H., Charles-Dominique T., Tomlinson K.W., Staver A.C., Ré Jorge L., Gélin U., Jančúchová Lásková J., Sam L., Hattas D., Freiberga I., Sam K. (2024) Substantial Insect Herbivory in a South African Savanna-Forest Mosaic: A Neglected Topic. Ecology and Evolution 14: article number: e70466.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.70466
Mezzomo P., Leong J., Vodrážka P., Moos M., Ré Jorge L., Volfová T., Michálek J., de Lima Ferreira P., Kozel P., Sedio B.E., Volf M. (2024) Variation in induced responses in volatile and non-volatile metabolites among six willow species: Do willow species share responses to herbivory? Phytochemistry 226: article number: 11422.
DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2024.114222
Ollerton J., Coulthard, Emma, Tarrant S., Woolford, James, Ré Jorge L., Rech André R. (2024) Butterflies, bumblebees and hoverflies are equally effective pollinators of Knautia arvensis (Caprifoliaceae), a generalist plant species with compound inflorescences Journal of Applied Entomology DOI: 10.1111/jen.13345
Sam K., Ré Jorge L., Koane B., Hazell R.J., Shearman P.L., Novotný V. (2024) Reorganization of bird communities along a rainforest elevation gradient during a strong El Niño event in Papua New Guinea. Ecology and Evolution 14: article number: e10955.
DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10955
Schillé L., Valdés-Correcher E., Archaux F., Balacenoiu F., Bjørn M. C., Bogdziewicz M., Boivin T., Branco M., et al., Mallick S., Mäntylä E., Mårell A., Milanović S., Molnár M., Moreira X., Moser V., Mrázová A., et al., Sam K., Sedikhin N.V., Shabarova T., Tack A.J.M., Thomas R., et al., Varela Z., Barbaro L., Castagneyrol B. (2024) Decomposing drivers in avian insectivory: Large-scale effects of climate, habitat and bird diversity. Journal of Biogeography 51: 1079-1094.
DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14808
Segar S. T., Ré Jorge L., Nicholls L., Basset Y. F., Rota J., Kaman O., Sisol M., Gewa B., Dahl C. N., Butterill P. T., Mezzomo P., Miller S., Weiblen G., Salminen J.-P., Novotný V., Volf M. (2024) Species swarms and their caterpillar colonisers: phylogeny and polyphenols determine host plant specificity in New Guinean Lepidoptera. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: article number: 1308608.
DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1308608
Sivault E., Koane B., Chmurova L., Sam K. (2024) Birds and bats reduce herbivory damage in Papua New Guinean highland forests. Ecology 105: article number: e4421.
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4421
Sivault E., Kollross J., Ré Jorge L., Finnie S., Diez Méndez D., Fernández-Garzón S., Maraia H., Lenc J., Libra M., Murakami M., Nakaji T., Nakamura M., Rachakonda S., Sam L., Abe T., Weiss M., Sam K. (2024) Insectivorous birds and bats outperform ants in the top-down regulation of arthropods across strata of a Japanese temperate forest. Journal of Animal Ecology 93: 1622-1638.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14146
Souto-Vilarós D., Basset Y. F., Blažek P., Laird-Hopkins B., Segar S.T., Navarro-Valencia E., Zamora A.C., Campusano Y., Čtvrtečka R., Savage A.F., Perez F., Lopez Y., Bobadilla R., Silva J.A.R., Lamarre G. (2024) Illuminating arthropod diversity in a tropical forest: Assessing biodiversity by automatic light trapping and DNA metabarcoding. Environmental DNA 6: article number: e540.
DOI: 10.1002/edn3.540
Sundue M., Maraia H. (2024) Field Work in Papua New Guinea Documents Seven New Records of a Hemiepiphytic Habit in Ferns. Plants-Basel 13: article number: 1104.
DOI: 10.3390/plants13081104


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