List of publications

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Total found: 447 records
Zimmermann K., Čiháková V., Konvička M. (2005) Demography, dispersal and behaviour of the Lesser Marbled Fritillary, Brenthis ino: how to be a succesfull wetland butterfly. Butterfly Conservation 5th International Symposium, Southompton University 8th-10th April 2005. p.50.
Zimmermann K., Fric Z., Filipová L., Konvička M. (2005) Adult demography, dispersal and behaviour of Brenthis ino (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae): how to be a successful wetland butterfly. Eur. J. Entomol. 102: 699-706.
Čížek L., Fric Z., Konvička M. (2004) Does voltinism in temperate insect herbivores depend on defences of their host plants? Comparative analysis using European butterflies. Entomology: Strength in diversity. XXII International Congress of Entomology, 15-21 August 2004, Brisbane, Australia.
Foltan P., Sheppard S., Konvička M., Symondson W. (2004) Facultative scavenging by Pterostichus melanarius on slug carrion: detectability of decayed prey in the predators's guts using PCR. IOBC/WPRC Working froup meeting, subgroup "Slugs and snails", Stuttgart, 26-29 October 2004.
Fric Z., Konvička M. (2004) Sezonní dvojtvárnost babočky síťkované: Objevů přibývá, záhady zůstávají. Vesmir 83: 441-446.
Fric Z., Konvička M. (2004) Dispersal kernels, matrix, and marsh fritillary. Entomology: Strength in diversity. XXII International Congress of Entomology, 15-21 August 2004, Brisbane, Australia.
Fric Z., Konvička M., Zrzavý J. (2004) Red & black or black & white? Phylogeny of the Araschnia butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) and evolution of seasonal polyphenism. J. Evol. Biol. 17: 265-278.
Hůla V., Fric Z., Pavličko A., Konvička M. (2004) Hnědásek chrastavcový - ohrožený evropský motýl. Živa 2004: 76-78.
Hůla V., Konvička M., Pavličko A., Fric Z. (2004) Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) in the Czech Republic: Monitoring, metapopulation structure, and conservation of the endangered butterfly. Entomol. Fennica 15: 231-241.
Konvička M., Beneš J., Fric Z., Čížek O. (2004) Natura 2000 a denní motýli. Ochrana přírody 59: 179-183.
Konvička M., Beneš J., Sádlo J. (2004) Poznámky k managementu stanovišť a ochrana živočichů. In: Háková A., Klaudisová A., Sádlo J. (eds.) Zásady péče o nelesní biotopy v rámci soustavy Natura 2000. PLANETA 33-35.
Konvička M., Čížek L., Beneš J. (2004) Ohrožený hmyz nížinných lesů: ochrana a management. Sagittaria, Olomouc 79 pp.
Pech P., Fric Z., Konvička M., Zrzavý J. (2004) Phylogeny of Maculinea blues (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) based on morphological and ecological characters: evolution of parasitic myrmecophily. Cladistics 20: 362-375.
Sehnal F., Habuštová O., Spitzer L., Hussein H. M., Růžička V. (2004) A biannual study on the environmental impact of Bt-maize. IOBS wprs Bull. 27: 147-160.
Spitzer L., Růžička V., Hussein H. M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2004) Expression of a Bacillus thuringiensis toxin in maize does not affect epigeic communities of carabid beetles and spiders. Acta Fytotech. Zootech. 7: 110-112.
Tesařová M., Prokopová M., Fuchs R., Konvička M., Fric Z. (2004) Unpalatability of European checkerspots (Nymphalidae, Melitaeinae) Entomology: Strength in diversity. XXII International Congress of Entomology, 15-21 August 2004, Brisbane, Australia.
Beneš J., Kepka P., Konvička M. (2003) Limestone Quarries as Refuges for European Xerophilous Butterflies Conservation Biology 17: 1058-1069.
Beneš J., Konvička M., Vrabec V., Zámečník J. (2003) Do the sibling species of small whites, Leptidea sinapis and L. reali (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) differ in habitat preferences? Biologia 58: 943-951.
Čížek O., Bakešová A., Kuras T., Beneš J., Konvička M. (2003) Vacant niche in alpine habitat: the case of an introduced population of the butterfly Erebia epiphron in the Krkonoše Mountains. Acta Oecologica 24: 15-23.
Konvička M., Beneš J. (2003) Jak v lomech, včetně činných, chránit motýly, četně ohrožených. Minerální Suroviny/Surowce Mineralne 5: 10-17.
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