List of publications

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Total found: 989 records
Soldán T., Bojková J. (2017) Megaloptera (střechatky). In: Hejda R., Farkač J. a Chobot K. (eds): Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky – bezobratlí. Red list of threatened species of the Czech Republic – invertebrates. Příroda 36: 168.
Soldán T., Bojková J., Zahrádková S. (2017) Ephemeroptera (jepice). In: Hejda R., Farkač J. a Chobot K. (eds): Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky – bezobratlí. Red list of threatened species of the Czech Republic – invertebrates. Příroda 36: 114-117.
Šorf M., Cábová M., Rychtecký P. (2017) Environmentally-induced plasticity of life history parameters in the cladoceran Simocephalus vetulus Limnologica 66: 40-43.
DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2017.07.003
Sroka P., Nel André (2017) New species of Compsocidae (Insecta, Psocodea) from Cretaceous Burmese amber. Zootaxa 4320 (3): 597–600.
Staniczek A., Godunko R. J., Krzemiński W. (2017) A new fossil mayfly species of the genus Borinquena Traver, 1938 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) from Miocene Dominican amber. Annales Zoologici 67: 113-119.
DOI: 10.3161/00034541ANZ2017.67.1.013
van der Weele R., Hrivniak Ľ., Kappert J., Manko P., Shamshev I., Oboňa J. (2017) Brachystomatidae, Empididae and Hybotidae (Diptera) of Uzh River Basin, with additions to checklists of Ukraine. Annales de la Société entomologique de France 53: 92-98.
DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2017.1304178
Veselý L., Boukal D., Buřič M., Kozák P. , Kouba A., Sentis A. (2017) Effects of prey density, temperature and predator diversity on nonconsumptive predator-driven mortality in a freshwater food web. Scientific Reports 7: 18075.
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17998-4
Blabolil P., Ricard D., Peterka J., Říha M., Jůza T., Vašek M., Prchalová M., Čech M., Muška M., Seďa J., Mrkvička T., Boukal D., Kubečka J. (2016) Predicting asp and pikeperch recruitment in a riverine reservoir. Fisheries Research 173: 45–52 .
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2015.08.003
Boukal D., Sentis A., Gémard C., Jaugeon B. (2016) Impacts of climate change on food webs: role of acclimation and non-trophic interactions In: 2nd Central European Symposium for Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Research (CESAMIR), Pecs, Hungary, 3.-8.7. 2016 [talk].
Ditrich T., Boukal D. (2016) Relative male and female contributions to the supercooling point of their offspring in Microvelia reticulata (Heteroptera: Veliidae). Entomological Science 19: 222-227.
DOI: 10.1111/ens.12196
Hahn M., Jezberová J., Koll U., Saueressig-Beck T., Schmidt J. (2016) Complete ecological isolation and cryptic diversity in Polynucleobacter bacteria not resolved by 16S rRNA gene sequences. ISME Journal 10: 1642–1655..
DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2015.237
Jaroš J., Spitzer K., Zikmundová H. (2016) Vegetation succession of a post-harvested peat bog and survival of moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera): a case study of the Soumarský Most bog (Bohemian Forest, South Bohemia, central Europe). Silva Gabreta 22: 79-98.
Kolář V., Boukal D. (2016) Faunistické zprávy ze západních Čech – 8 Coleoptera: Dytiscidae. Západočeské entomologické listy 7: 11-13.
Kolář V., Hesoun P., van Niuwenhuijzen A., Rozkopal M., Boukal D. (2016) Large species of the water beetles and bugs of selected reserve areas in Southern Bohemia. Sborník Jihočeského muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní vědy 56: 88-93.
Kolář V., Ondáš T., Boukal D. (2016) Proč mizí vodní brouci (a jiný velký hmyz) z našich rybníků? Fórum ochrany přírody 3: 30-32.
Komárek J., Hindák F., Jezberová J. (2016) Review of the cyanobacterial genus Eucapsis. Nova Hedwigia 103: 441–456.
DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2016/0363
Kubečka J., Boukal D., Čech M., Hickley P., Kitchell J., Ricard D., Rudstam L., Soukalová K., Welcomme R. (2016) Ecology and ecological quality of fish in lakes and reservoirs. Fisheries Research 173: 1-3 (editorial material).
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2015.10.022
Manko P., López-Rodríguez M., Tierno de F., Hrivniak Ľ., Papyan L., Harutyunyan M., Oboňa J. (2016) Nymphal feeding habits of Perla pallida (Plecoptera: Perlidae) from Armenia. Biologia 71: 328-333.
DOI: 10.1515/biolog-2016-0038
Martynov A., Godunko R. J., Palatov D. (2016) Kintrishi State Nature Reserve – a hotspot mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) diversity in Adjara (Georgia). Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the International Conference on Ephemeroptera /14./ and International Symposium on Plecoptera /18./. Zoosymposia. 11: 168-173.
DOI: 10.11646/zoosymposia.11.1.18
Oboňa J., Baranová B., Hrivniak Ľ., Kisková K., Manko P., Slowińska I. (2016) First record of the rare aquatic dance fly Chelifera aperticauda Collin, 1927 (Diptera: Empididae: Hemerodromiinae) from Slovakia. Check List 12: article number 1894.
DOI: 10.15560/12.3.1894
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