List of publications

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Total found: 989 records
Spitzer K. (1988) The ecology and distribution of Pediasia truncatella (Zett.) (Pyralidae, Lepidoptera) in the Bohemian forest mountains. Stapfia 16: 301-307.
Spitzer K., Lepš J. (1988) Determinants of temporal variation in moth abundance. Oikos 53: 31-36.
Starý P., Štěrba J., Soldán T. (1988) Perilitus areolaris G. & H. (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a parasitoid of the large pine weevil Hylobius abietis (L.) in Czechoslovakia. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 85: 428-433.
Zelený J., Vostřel J., Růžička Z., Kalushkov P. (1988) Impact of various pesticides on Aphidophagous coccinellids. Ecol. and Effect. of Aphidoph. pp. 327-332.
Alba-Tercedor J., Báez M., Soldán T. (1987) A new record of mayflies of the Canary Islands (Insecta, Ephemeroptera). Eos, LXIII, 7-13.
Braasch D., Soldán T. (1987) Neue Heptageniidae von Indien (Ephemeroptera).
Braasch D., Soldán T. (1987) Neue Cinygmina-Arten aus Vietnam (Ephemeroptera, Heptageniidae). Reichenbachia 16: 123-126.
Jaroš J., Spitzer K. (1987) Motýlí fauna (Lepidoptera) mokřadu Černiš v jižních Čechách. Jihočes. muzeum, pp. 3-42.
Landa V., Soldán T., Šula J. (1987) Methods for Assesing the Effects on Non-human Biota of Mixtures of Chemicals: Tests for Pathological Effects on Insects. SCOPE 30/SGOMSEC 3, pp. 465-478.
Maťha V., Lukeš Š., Soldán T., Weyda F., Weiser J. (1987) Detection of antibodies against salivary gland homogenates in rabbits exposed to repeated tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis palpalis) bites. Inter. confer. Medical and veter. Dipter. pp. 210-215.
Maťha V., Weyda F., Soldán T., Švec P. (1987) Mycetocytes in organ culture of the tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis palpalis) mycetome (Diptera, Glossinidae). Microbios Letters 34: 111-116.
Papáček M., Soldán T. (1987) Development of the female internal reproductive system of Notonecta glauca (Heteroptera, Notonectidae) and the life cycle in South Bohemia. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 84: 161-180.
Růžička V. (1987) Biodiagnostic evaluation of epigeic spider communities. Ekológia (ČSSR) 6: 345-357.
Růžička V. (1987) An analysis of spider communities in the meadows of the Třeboň basin. Acta Sc. Nat. Brno 21: 1-39.
Růžička V. (1987) Analýza ekologických skupin ......… Ekologia SSSR 19: 59-61.
Soldán T. (1987) Adaptation of the subimaginal life span of Cloeon (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) in the arid areas of North Africa and the Canary Islands. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 84: 62-65.
Soldán T., Braasch D., Muu L. (1987) Two new species of Centroptella (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from Vietnam, with a description of adult stages of the genus. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 84: 342-349.
Spitzer K., Lepš J., Soldán T. (1987) Butterly communities and habitat of seminatural savanna in southern Vietnam (Papilionoidea, Lepidoptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 84: 200-208.
Thomas A., Soldán T. (1987) Rhithrogena ryszardi n. spo., Ephéméroptére nouveau du Moyen Atlas (Maroc) et redescription de Rh. soteria Navás, 1917 (Heptageniidae). Annls Limnol. 23: 169-177.
Thomas A., Soldán T. (1987) Baetis ingridae n. spo., Ephéméroptére nouveau de Corse (Baetidae). Annls Limnol. 23: 23-26.
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