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Total found: 989 records
Růžička V. (1995) Pavouci pseudokrasových jeskyní sv. Čech. Speleo (Praha) 19: 32-33.
Růžička V. (1995) The spreading of Ostearius melanopygius (Araneae: Linyphiidae) through Central Europe. Eur. J. Entomol. 92: 723-726.
Růžička V., Hajer J., Zacharda M. (1995) Arachnid population patterns in underground cavities of a stony debris field (Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudoscorpionidea, Acari: Prostigmata, Rhagidiidae). Pedobiologia 39: 42-51.
Soldán T., Landa V. (1995) Aquatic insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera): a comparison from the bioindication point of view. In: Boháč J., Tříska J. & Tichý R. (eds) 8th International Bioindicatoirs Symposium, 98.
Soldán T., Papáček M., Novák K., Zelený J. (1995) Šumava, unikátní oblast pro život vodního hmyzu. [The Šumava Mountains: a unique biocentre of aquatic insects.] In: J. Jeník, Jelínková E. & Soukupová L. (eds) Geo-Bio-Diversity of the Bohemian/Bavarian Forest: Trilateral Research, Conservation and Management of the Frontier Mountains, 43. Český národní komitét MAB UNESCO, Praha.
Spitzer K. (1995) Insect biodiversity in the Šumava Mountains. in: MaB-Geo-Bio-Diversity of the Bohemian/Bavarian Forest: Trilateral Research, Conservation and Management of the Frontier Mountains
Weyda F., Soldán T., Maťha V. (1995) Rickettsia-like organisms in the tsetse fly Glossina palpalis palpalis. Cytobios 81: 223-228.
Zelený J. (1995) Neuropteroidea Moravy, zvláště CHKO Pálava : 14 In: Pellantová J., (red.): Zoologické dny Brno 1995. Abstrakta referátů z konference 9. a 10. listopadu 1995. Česká zoologická společnost, brněnská pobočka, Brno: 61 pp.
Havelka J., Zelený J., Sláma K. (1994) Interactions between ecdysteroids in Leuzea carthamoides and entomofauna of an agroecosystem. Proc. Symp, XIth Ecdysone Workshop, 29th June - 2nd July 1994, České Budějovice. 66..
Papáček M., Matěnová V., Matěna J., Soldán T. (1994) Zoologie. Scientia, Praha. 1. vydání, 286 pp.
Růžička V. (1994) Spiders of the Průčelská rokle defile, Klíč Mt. and Zlatník Mt. in North Bohemia. Fauna Bohemiae Septentrionalis (Ústí nad Labem) 19: 129-138.
Růžička V. (1994) Spiders in South Bohemian stony debris. Acta Univ. Purkyn. 3, Biologica 1 (Ústí nad Labem 1993), 9-18.
Růžička V., Boháč J. (1994) The utilization of epigeic invertebrate communities as bioindicators of terrestrial environmental quality. In: Salanki J., Jeffrey D. & Hughes G.M. (eds.) Biological Monitoring of the Environment. A Manual of Methods. CAB International & IUBS, Wallingford & Paris, pp. 79-86.
Růžička V., Kopecký J. (1994) Spiders of pseudokarst caves in northeastern Bohemia. Boll. Acc. Gioenia Sci. Nat. (Catania) 26 (1993), 299-309.
Růžička V., Zacharda M. (1994) Arthropods of stony debris in the Krkonoše Mountains, Czech Republic. Arctic Alpine Res. 26: 332-338.
Spitzer K. (1994) Biogeographical and ecological determinants of the central European peat bog Lepidoptera: The habitat island approach to conservation. Nota Lepid. Suppl. No. 5: 45-49.
Spitzer K., Jaroš J. (1994) Isolated relict populations of tyrphobiont Lepidoptera and their geographical differences in Central Europe. In: Abstracts, IX. European Congress of Lepidopterology, Lednice 1994. Pp. 46.
Wolda H., Spitzer K., Marek J., Novák I. (1994) Diversity and variability of Lepidoptera populations in urban Brno, Czech Republic. Eur. J. Entomol. 91: 213-226.
Černý Z., Gottwald Z., Hartl J., Zedník L., Zelený J. (1993) Motýli (Lepidoptera) z Podblanicka - CHKO Blaník. Sb. vlastivěd. prací z Podblanicka 33: 49-56.
Černý Z., Zelený J. (1993) Entomologické poznatky z Podblanicka - CHKO Blaník. Sb. vlastivěd. prací z Podblanicka 33: 33-37.
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