List of publications

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Total found: 989 records
Prokopov G., Godunko R. J. (2007) Catalogue of Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of the Crimea The Natural Reserve of the Crimea. Proceedings IV International Scientific and Practice Conference (02.12.2007, Simferopol, Ukraine). Part 2, Zoology. Simferopol 140-152.
Růžička V. (2007) Spiders on sandstone rocks in Central Europe with particular reference to the Bohemian Switzerland National Park. In Härtel H., Cílek V., Herben T., Jackson A. & Williams R. (eds), Sandstone Landscapes. Academia, Praha, pp. 143‒147.
Růžička V. (2007) Pavouci v jeskyních České republiky. Spiders in caves in the Czech Republic. Speleo (Praha) 49: 14-19 (in Czech).
Spitzer K., Jaroš J., Bezděk A. (2007) Why do the palaeo-refugial peatland Lepidoptera merit prior attention in nature conservation? Book of abstracts of 15th European congress of Lepidopterology, 8-12 September 2007, Erkner (Germany)
Spitzer K., Jaroš K., Bezděk A. (2007) Proč je paleorefugiální fauna motýlů rašelinišť prioritou ochrany přírody? Aktuality šumavského výzkumu III. 68-69.
Szczęsny B., Godunko R. J. (2007) Caddis flies (Insecta: Trichoptera) in the collection of the State Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 50: 27-43.
Tajovský K., Mlejnek R., Tuf I., Tufová J., Růžička V. (2007) Cave and above-ground invertebrates of the Hranice karst (North-East Moravia, Czech Republic). In Moldovan O. T. (ed.), Abstracts of the XVIIIth International Symposium of Biospeleology: 100 years of Biospeleology. Institutul de Speologie “Emil Racoviþã”, Cluj-Napoca, p. 60.
Zacharda M., Gude M., Růžička V. (2007) Thermal regime of three low elevation scree slopes in central Europe. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 18: 301-308.
Zelený J. (2007) Predátoři a parazitoidi lýkožrouta smrkového (Ips typographus) na Šumavě. - Predators and parasitoids of spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) in the Bohemian Forest. In: Dvořák L., Šustr P., Braun V. (eds): Aktuality šumavského výzkumu III. Správa NP a CHKO Šumava, Vimperk : 72.-74.
Zelený J. (2007) Raphidioptera, Neuroptera a Mecoptera Chráněné krajinné oblasti Český kras - Raphidioptera, Neuroptera and Mecoptera of the Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Karst. Bohemia centralis, Praha 28: :419-425.
Bezděk A., Jaroš J., Spitzer K. (2006) Spatial distribution of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and moths (Lepidoptera) in the Mrtvy luh bog, Sumava Mts (Central Europe): a test of habitat island community. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 395-409.
Bezděk A., Jaroš J., Spitzer K. (2006) Spatial distribution of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and moths (Lepidoptera) in the Mrtvy luh bog, Sumava Mts (Central Europe): a test of habitat island community. In: Hawksworth D.L., Bull A.T. (eds): Arthropod Diversity and Conservation. Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol. 1. Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 381-395.
Boukal D., De Roos A., Persson L. (2006) Late or partial fishing moratoria can lead to irreversible changes in age and size at maturation ICES CM 2006/H:05, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 19 pp
Boukal D., Klečka J., Soldán T. (2006) Vodní hmyz řeky Malše v okolí Českých Budějovic. [Water insects of the Malše River in the environs of České Budějovice.] Sborník Jihočeského Muzea v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodní Vědy 46: 229-234.
De Roos A., Boukal D., Persson L. (2006) Evolutionary regime shifts in age and size at maturation of exploited fish stocks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 273: 1873-1880.
Godunko R. J., Kłonowska-Olejnik M. (2006) The first fossil representative of the genus Analetris Edmunds, 1972 (Insecta: Ephemeroptera: Acanthametropodidae) from the Eocene Baltic amber Annales Zoologici 56: 785-790.
Godunko R. J., Neumann C. (2006) Fossil mayfly collections of the Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt University Berlin. I. Electroletus soldani gen. and sp. nov. (Ephemeroptera: Ameletidae) from the Eocene Baltic amber Annales Zoologici 56: 175-180.
Habuštová O., Doležal P., Spitzer L., Hussein H. M., Turanli F., Růžička V., Sehnal F. (2006) Four-year study of the impact of Bt maize on arthropod communities. VIIIth European Congress of Entomology, September 17-22, Izmir, Turkey. pp.129..
Habuštová O., Turanli F., Doležal P., Růžička V., Spitzer L., Hussein H. M. (2006) Environmental impact of Bt maize – three year experience. IOBS wprs Bulletin 29: pp.57-63.
Kluge N., Godunko R. J., Krzemiński W. (2006) A new mayfly family (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Eocene Baltic amber Annales Zoologici 56: 181-185.
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