List of publications

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Total found: 989 records
Sroka P. (2009) Morphology and ultrastructure of the molar area in the mandible of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) larvae. Aquatic Insects 31: 471-484.
Zahrádková S., Soldán T., Bojková J., Helešic J., Janovská H., Sroka P. (2009) Distribution and biology of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of the Czech Republic: present status and perspectives. Aquatic Insects 31: 629-652.
Boukal D., Berec L., Křivan V. (2008) Does sex-selective predation stabilize or destabilize predator-prey dynamics? PLoS ONE 3: 1-10.
Boukal D., Dunlop E., Heino M., Dieckmann U. (2008) Fisheries-induced evolution of body size and other life history traits: the impact of gear selectivity ICES CM 2008/F:07, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 7 pp
Deredec A., Berec L., Boukal D., Courchamp F. (2008) Are non-sexual models appropriate for predicting the impact of virus-vectored immunocontraception? Journal of Theoretical Biology 250: 281-290.
Enkhtaivan S., Soldán T. (2008) Mayflies of the Lake Hovsgol Region, Mongolia. International Advances in the Ecology, Zoogeography, and Systematics of Mayflies and Stoneflies. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2008, 103-115.
Godunko R. J., Kłonowska-Olejnik M. (2008) Ecdyonurus nigrescens (Klapalek, 1908) (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) - neotype designation, taxonomical and nomenclature notes. Annales Zoologici 58: 799-817.
Godunko R. J., Neumann C., Krzemiński W. (2008) Fossil mayfly collections of the Museum fur Naturkunde, Humboldt University, Berlin. II. Redescription of Baltameletus oligocaenicus Demoulin, 1968 with notes on Ameletidae Mccafferty, 1991 (Insecta : Ephemeroptera) from the Eocene Baltic amber. Annales Zoologici 58: 105-114.
Habuštová O., Hussein H. M., Doležal P., Spitzer L., Růžička V., Sehnal F. (2008) Lack of effect of Bt-corn on the non-target arthropods. ICE 2008 XXIII International Congress of Entomology 6-12 July, 2008: International Convention Centre, Durban. Abstracts CD No: 2056.
Heino M., Baulier L., Boukal D., Dunlop E., Eliassen S., Enberg K., Jorgensen C., Varpe O. (2008) Evolution of growth in Gulf of St Lawrence cod? Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 275: 1111-1112..
Heino M., Boukal D., Falkenhaug T., Piatkowski U., Porteiro F., Sutton T. (2008) Size structure, age-size dynamics and life history variation ICES CM 2008/F:13, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 7 pp
Heino M., Boukal D., Falkenhaug T., Piatkowski U., Porteiro F., Sutton T. (2008) Length structure of deep-pelagic fishes sheds new light to their life histories ICES CM 2008/C:14, ICES Annual Science Conference working paper, 6 pp
Jezberová J., Bernardová K. (2008) Genetické metodiky ke stanovení producentů cyanotoxinů [Genetic methods for determination of the cyanotixin producers]. In: Maršálek, B., Vinklárková, D., Maršálková, E. (eds.), Cyanobakterie 2008, Sborník konference. Brno, April 2–3, 2008, Botanický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Průhonice, ISBN 978-80-86188-26-3: pp. 62–66.
Jorgensen C., Enberg K., Dunlop E., Arlinghaus R., Boukal D., Brander K., Ernande B., Gardmark A., Johnston F., Matsumura S., Pardoe H., Raab K., Silva A., Vainikka A., Dieckmann U., Heino M., Rijnsdorp A. (2008) The role of fisheries-induced evolution – Response Science 320: 48-50.
Lozan A., Monaghan M., Spitzer K., Jaroš J., Žurovcová M., Brož V. (2008) DNA-based confirmation that the parasitic wasp Cotesia glomerata (Braconidae, Hymenoptera) is a new threat to endemic butterflies of the Canary Islands. Conservation Genetics 9: 1431-1437.
Mlejnek R., Ouhrabka V., Růžička V. (2008) Poseidon – mimořádný objev. The Poseidon – the longest European system of underground spaces in sandstones. Ochrana přírody 63: 16-19.
Mlejnek R., Ouhrabka V., Růžička V. (2008) Poseidon v Teplických skalách. Nejdelší evropský systém podzemních prostor v pískovcích. Poseidon in the “Teplické skály” cliffs. The longest Europaean labyrinth of underground spaces formed in stanstone rocks. Teplice nad Metují, 24 pp.
Růžička V., Buchar J. (2008) Dodatek ke katalogu pavouků České republiky 2001-2007. Supplement to the Catalogue of Spiders of the Czech Republic 2001-2007. Sborník Oblastního muzea v Mostě, řada přírodovědná 29: 3-32.
Růžička V., Zacharda M. (2008) Rozmanitost pavouků skalní stěny a suťového pole v přírodní rezervaci Klíč. Diversity of spiders on rock wall and in scree slope at Klíč Nature Reserve In Bryja J., Nedvěd O., Sedláček F. & Zukal J. (eds), Zoologické dny České Budějovice 2008. Sborník abstraktů z konference 14.-15. února 2008. Ústav biologie obratlovců AV ČR, Brno p. 174 (in Czech).
Soldán T., Godunko R. J. (2008) Two new species of the genus Baetis Leach, 1815 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Cyprus. Annales Zoologici 58: 79-104.
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