List of publications
Total found: 989 records |
Řezníčková P.,
Soldán T., Pařil P., Zahrádková S. (2010) Comparison of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) taxocenes of permanent and intermittent Central European small streams via species traits. Biologia
65: 720-729.
DOI: 10.2478/s11756-010-0067-x |
Růžička V. (2010) Central European spiders adapted to life in subterranean habitas. 20th International Conference on Subterranean Biology, Postojna, Slovenia, August 29-September 3, 2010, Abstract
p. 33.
Růžička V., Laška V., Mikula J., Tuf I. (2010) Soil spiders? In Żabka M. (ed.), Book of Abstracts of the 18th International Congress of Arachnology. Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce
Růžička V., Mlejnek R., Šmilauer P. (2010) Local diversity versus geographical distribution of arthropods occuring in a sandstone rock labyrinth. Polish Journal of Ecology
58: 533-544.
Documents to download: RuzMlej_2010 (pdf) |
Růžička V., Zacharda M. (2010) Variation and diversity of spider assemblages along a thermal gradient in scree slopes and adjacent cliffs. Polish Journal of Ecology
58: 361-369..
Documents to download: RuzZach_2010 (pdf) |
Spitzer K.,
Jaroš J. (2010) Biogeographical outlines of boreal moths (Lepidoptera) of the Šumava/Böhmerwald Mountains: a concise review. Denisia
29: 377-382..
Sroka P., Arnekleiv J. (2010) Two new species of Acentrella Bengtsson, 1912 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from Kazakhstan with notes on the Palaearctic fauna Zootaxa
2693: 1–20.
Sroka P.,
Godunko R. J.,
Soldán T. (2010) Redescription of the species Procloeon (Pseudocentroptilum) fascicaudale (Sowa, 1985) (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) with notes to its taxonomic position, biology and distribution Zootaxa
2490: 16–32.
Boukal D.,
Berec L. (2009) Modelling mate-finding Allee effects and populations dynamics, with applications in pest control Population Ecology
51: 445–458.
Godunko R. J., Krzemiński W. (2009) New fossil findings of the mayfly genera Balticobaetisca Staniczek & Bechly, 2002 (Ephemeroptera: Baetiscidae) and Borinquena Traver, 1938 (Leptophlebiidae: Atalophlebiinae) Aquatic Insects
31: 125-136.
Habuštová O., Hussein H. M., Doležal P., Spitzer L., Růžička V. (2009) RESULTS OF A FOUR-YEAR STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF BT MAIZE Sehnal F., Drobník J. (eds.) White Book: Genetically Modified Crops. Biology Centre of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, České Budějovice 60. |
Jaroš J.,
Spitzer K. (2009) Rákosnice Archanara neurica (Hübner, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) nová pro faunu Čech z mokřadu Černiš. (The first record of the White-mantled Wainscot moth (Archanara neurica (Hb.)) (Noctuidae) from Bohemia (Černiš wetland, Czech Republic). Sbor. Jihočes. Muz. v Čes. Budějovicích, Přír. vědy
49: 97-99.
Lozan A.,
Spitzer K.,
Jaroš J. (2009) Good parasitic wasps gone bad: a short review of two stories of the oceanic and habitat islands. Communications and Abstracts, SIEEC 21
21: 59 - 62.
Mlejnek R., Ouhrabka V.,
Růžička V. (2009) Poseidon – the pseudokarst system in the sandstones of the Czech Republic: geomorphological structure and biogeographical importance. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Pseudokarst. Centro Ricerche Carsiche “Carlo Seppenhofer”, Gorizia.
Mlejnek R., Ouhrabka V.,
Růžička V. (2009) Poseidon – a complex system of underground spaces in sandstone in the Czech Republic. NSS News
67: (8) 4-7.
Ogden T., Gattolliat J., Sartori M., Staniczek A.,
Soldán T., Whiting M. (2009) Towards a new paradigm in mayfly phylogeny (Ephemeroptera): combined analysis of morphological and molecular data. Systematic Entomology
34: 616-634.
Růžička V. (2009) The European species of the microphthalmum-group in the genus Porrhomma (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Contrib. Nat. Hist.
12: 1081-1094.
Růžička V., Zacharda M. (2009) Kamenité sutě a skalní stěny – biotopy významné pro biodiverzitu. Screes and rock walls – habitats important for biodiversity. Živa
57: 75-77 (in Czech, Engl. summary).
Soldán T., Enktaivan S.,
Godunko R. J. (2009) Commented checklist of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) of Mongolia Aquatic Insects
31: 653-670.
Soldán T.,
Godunko R. J. (2009) Baetis zdenkae sp nov., a new representative of the Baetis buceratus species-group (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Rhodos (Greece) with notes to species-grouping of the subgenus Baetis Leach, 1815 s. str. Zootaxa
1972: 1-19.