List of publications
Total found: 989 records |
Klečka J.,
Boukal D. (2012) Who eats whom in a pool? A comparative study of prey selectivity by predatory aquatic insects PLoS ONE
7: e37741.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037741 |
Lozan A.,
Spitzer K.,
Jaroš J. (2012) Isolated peat bog habitats and their food connections: parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) and their lepidopteran hosts. Journal of Insect Conservation
16: 391-397.
DOI: 10.1007/s10841-011-9425-4 |
Maradová M.,
Soldán T. (2012) Effect of meander restoration on macroinvertebrate biodiversity: the case of the Borová stream (Blanský Les, Czech Republic) Silva Gabreta
18: 1-21.
Růžička V., Vaněk J., Šmilauer P. (2012) Spiders in mountain habitats of the Giant Mountains. Russian Journal of Ecology
43: 341-347..
DOI: 10.1134/S1067413612040133 |
Růžička V., Zacharda M., Němcová L., Šmilauer P., Nekola J. (2012) Periglacial microclimate in low altitude scree slopes supports relict biodiversity. Journal of Natural History
46: 2145–2157.
DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2012.707248 |
Soldán T.,
Bojková J., Vrba J., Bitušík P., Chvojka P., Papáček M., Svobodová J., Sychra J., Tátosová J. (2012) Aquatic insects of the Bohemian Forest glacial lakes: Diversity, long-term changes, and influence of acidification. Silva Gabreta
18: 123-283.
Soldán T., Godunko R. J., Sroka P., Bojková J. (2012) Mayfly (Ephemeroptera) species inventory of the Caucasus Mountains. In: M. Yoshimura Y. (Eds): 2012 International Joint Meeting on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Program and Abstract Book. June 3-9, 2012, Wakayama, Japan: 49–50. |
Spitzer K. (2012) Insect Conservation Developments in Central Europe. In: New T. R. (ed.): Insect Conservation: Past, Present and Prospect. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
pp. 303-315.
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-2963-6_13 |
Spitzer K.,
Jaroš J. (2012) Nástin stanovištních vazeb motýlů (Lepidoptera) okolí Jindřichova Hradce. Outlines of moth and butterfly communities (Lepidoptera) of Jindřichův Hradec environs (South Bohemia) Sbor. Jihočes. Muz. v Čes. Budějovicích, Přír. Vědy
52: 151-159.
Sroka P. (2012) Systematics and phylogeny of the West Palaearctic representatives of subfamily Baetinae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera): combined analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences and morphology Aquatic Insects
34: 23-53.
DOI: 10.1080/01650424.2012.718081 |
Sroka P.,
Godunko R. J. (2012) Mayflies of the Caucasus Mountains. I. A new species of the genus Electrogena Zurwerra & Tomka, 1985 Zootaxa
3222: 28–45.
Sroka P.,
Godunko R. J., Novikova E., Kluge N. (2012) Contribution to the knowledge of the subgenus Rhodobaetis Jacob, 2003 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae: Baetis) from Central Asia. Part 1 Zootaxa
3311: 42–60.
Sroka P., Martynov A.,
Godunko R. J. (2012) Morphological and genetic variability of Baetis (Rhodobaetis) braaschi Zimmermann, 1980 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae). Zootaxa
3323: 27–49.
Staniczek A.,
Godunko R. J. (2012) Revision of fossil Metretopodidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in Baltic amber – Part 1: Type specimens of hitherto described fossil species of Siphloplecton CLEMENS, 1915 and Metretopus EATON, 1901; with description of four new fossil species of Siphloplecto Palaeodiversity
5: 57-87.
Straka M., Komzák P.,
Boukal D., Trávníček D. (2012) Minute moss beetles and riffle beetles (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae, Elmidae) of the Bílé Karpaty Protected Landscape Area and Biosphere Reserve (Czech Republic) Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae biologicae
96: 667-689.
Svitok M.,
Godunko R. J., Novikmec M.,
Sroka P. (2012) Projekt HEPTAGEN: "Fylogeografia, taxonomia a diverzita podeniek komplexu Ecdyonurus-Electrogena (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae) Karpat" (APVV SK-CZ-187-11) Limnologicky spravodajca
6: 59-60.
Vaněk J.,
Jaroš J.,
Spitzer K. (2012) Moth fauna in the vicinity of the Úpské rašeliniště peatbog in the Krkonoše Mts (The Giant Mts). Opera Corcontica
49: 205-210.
Bojková J.,
Soldán T., Špaček J., Straka M. (2011) Distribution of stoneflies of the family Taeniopterygidae (Plecoptera) in the Czech Republic: earlier data, new records and recent distributional changes Časopis Slezského muzea, série A, vědy přírodní
60: 239-258.
Ditrich T.,
Košťál V. (2011) Comparative analysis of overwintering physiology in nine species of semi-aquatic bugs (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha). Physiological Entomology
36: 261-270.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2011.00794.x |
Godunko R. J., Prokopov G., Dyakiv K. (2011) Хорологія та особливості формування різноманітності одноденок (Ephemeroptera) та веснянок (Plecoptera) гірських систем України. [Chorology and specific features of mayfly (Ephemeroptera) and stonefly (Plecoptera) diversity of the mountain systems of Ukrai In: The problems of research in evolution and chorology of biota’s taxonomic diversity. Materials of the International Scientific Conference. Lviv, SMNH NASU: 25–34. (in Ukrainian; materials of conference). |