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Total found: 476 records
Sehnal F., Schneiderman H. (1973) Action of the corpora allata and of juvenilizing substances on the larval-pupal transformation of Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov. 70: 289-302.
Sehnal F., Skuhravý V., Romaňuk M. (1973) Možnosti boje s hmyzem pomocí hmyzích hormonů a jejich analogů. Agrochémia 13: 192-197.
Skuhravý V., Sehnal F. (1973) Inhibition of metamorphosis by juvenoids in the gall midge Dasyneura laricis (F. Loew) (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae). Z. angew. Ent. 74: 217-220.
Socha R., Sehnal F. (1973) Inhibition of insect development by simultaneous action of prothoracic gland hormone and juvenile hormone. J. Insect Physiol. 19: 1449-1453.
Varjas L., Sehnal F. (1973) Use of a juvenile hormone analogue against the fall webworm, Hyphantria cunea. Ent. exp. appl. 16: 115-122.
Metwally M., Sehnal F., Landa V. (1972) Reduction of fecundity and control of the khapra beetle by juvenile hormone mimics. J. Econ. Ent. 65: 1603-1605..
Novák V., Sehnal F. (1972) Využití nových synthetizovaných látek v ochraně lesů. "Zborník referátov z konferencie o zdravotnom stave lesov a ich ochrane", Zvolen 6.-8.6.1972, str.244-250. Edičné stredisko SVZŠ.
Rohdendorf E., Sehnal F. (1972) The induction of ovarian dysfunctions in Thermobia domestica by the Cecropia juvenile hormones. Experientia 28: 1099-1101.
Sehnal F. (1972) Action of ecdysone on ligated larvae of Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera): Induction of development. Acta ent. bohemoslov. 69: 143-155.
Sehnal F. (1972) Perspectives of the use of juvenoids as insecticides. Zborník kongresu "Chémia v polnohospodárstve", Bratislava, 27.-30.6.1972. 2 pp.
Socha R., Sehnal F. (1972) Inhibition of adult development in Tenebrio molitor by insect hormones and antibiotics. J. lnsect Physiol. 18: 317-337.
Varjas L., Sehnal F. (1972) Juvenilhormon-analog alkamazasa az amerikai szovolepke (Hyphantria cunea Drury) ellen szabadfoldi kserletkben. XXI. Novenyvedelmi Tudomanyos ertekezlet, February 1972, pp. 69-74.
Sehnal F. (1971) Róle de l'hormone de mue et de l'hormone juvénile dans la controle de la metamorphose de Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera). Arch. Zool. exp. gén. 112: 565-577.
Sehnal F. (1971) Juvenile hormone action and insect growth rate. Endocr. exp. 5: 29-33.
Sehnal F. (1971) Endocrines of Arthropoda. Chemical Zoology, (M. Florkin & B.T. Scheer edts.). Academic Press, New York & London. 307-345..
Sehnal F., Janda V. (1971) The influence of juvenile hormone on glycogen, fat, and nitrogen metabolism in Galleria mellonelle L. Endocr. exp. 5: 53-56.
Schneiderman H., Krishnakumaran A., Bryant P., Sehnal F. (1970) Endocrinological strategies in insect control. Agric. Sci. Rev. 8: 13-25.
Jarolím V., Hejno K., Sehnal F., Šorm F. (1969) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormones activity. 8. Juvenile activity of the farnesane-type compounds on Galleria mellonella. Life Sciences 8: 831-841.
Schneiderman H., Krishnakumaran A., Bryant P., Sehnal F. (1969) Endocrinological and genetic strategies in insect control. Proc. Symp. Potent. in Crop Prod., Agric. Sci. Rev., Second and Third Quarter, pp. 13-25.
Sehnal F. (1969) Action of the juvenile hormone on the metamorphosis of Galleria mellonella epidermal cells. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 13: 530.
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