List of publications
Total found: 1114 records |
Němec V. (1971) Effects de certains analogues de l'hormone juvenile sur deux expéces de criquets Locusta migratoria migratorioides (R. et E.) et Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.). Arch. Zool. exp. gén.
112: 511-517.
Poduška K., Šorm F.,
Sláma K. (1971) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 9. Structure juvenile activity relationships in simple peptides. Z. Naturf. B,
26: 719-722.
Sehnal F. (1971) Róle de l'hormone de mue et de l'hormone juvénile dans la controle de la metamorphose de Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera). Arch. Zool. exp. gén.
112: 565-577.
Sehnal F. (1971) Juvenile hormone action and insect growth rate. Endocr. exp.
5: 29-33.
Sehnal F. (1971) Endocrines of Arthropoda. Chemical Zoology, (M. Florkin & B.T. Scheer edts.). Academic Press, New York & London.
Sehnal F., Janda V. (1971) The influence of juvenile hormone on glycogen, fat, and nitrogen metabolism in Galleria mellonelle L. Endocr. exp.
5: 53-56.
Sláma K. (1971) Insect juvenile hormone analogues. Annu. Rev. Biochem.
40: 1079-1102.
Sláma K. (1971) Hormonal control of metabolism in Pyrrhocoris apterus. Endocr. exp.
5: 85-89.
Sláma K. (1971) Some aspects of insect hormone research. Insect Endocrines II, pp. 149-156, Academia, Praha. |
Socha R. (1971) The haemolymph and tissue proteins in relation to moulting and yolk formation in Dixippus morosus Br. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
68: 289-299.
Janda V.,
Socha R. (1970) Umsatz und Transpert der Nahrstoffe bei Dixippus morosus im Zusammenhang mit Wachstum und Metamorphosis. J. Insect Physiol.
16: 2051-2062.
Masner P.,
Sláma K., Žďárek J., Landa V. (1970) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. X. A method of sexually spread insect sterility. J. Econ. Ent.
63: 706-710.
Masner P., Žďárek J.,
Sláma K., Landa V. (1970) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 10. Sexually spread insect sterility. J. Econ. Ent.
63: 706-710.
Němec V. (1970) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 7. Juvenile activity of the farnesane-type compounds on Locusta migratoria L. and Schistocerca gregaria Forsk. Life Sci.
9: 821-831.
Schneiderman H., Krishnakumaran A., Bryant P.,
Sehnal F. (1970) Endocrinological strategies in insect control. Agric. Sci. Rev.
8: 13-25.
Sláma K., Hejno K., Jarolím V., Šorm F. (1970) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 5. Specific juvenile hormone effects in aliphatic sesquiterpenes. Biol. Bull.
139: 222-229.
Zaoral M.,
Sláma K. (1970) Peptides with juvenile hormone activity. Science
170: 92-93.
Jarolím V., Hejno K.,
Sehnal F., Šorm F. (1969) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormones activity. 8. Juvenile activity of the farnesane-type compounds on Galleria mellonella. Life Sciences
8: 831-841.
Němec V.,
Sláma K., Hrubešová H. (1969) Effect of hormones on nonspecific esterase activity in adult Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
66: 87-92.
Ratuský J.,
Sláma K., Šorm F. (1969) Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. 6. Juvenile hormone effects of some alkyl-ethers derived from aliphatic beta-hydroxy acids. J. Stored Prod. Res.
5: 111-117.