List of publications
Total found: 1114 records |
Gelbič I.,
Němec V. (2001) Developmental changes caused by metyrapone and azadirachtin in Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) (Lep., Noctuidae) and Galleria mellonella (L.) (Lep., Pyralidae). J. Appl. Ent.
125: 417-422.
Gelbič I., Olejníček J. (2001) Big differences in action of methoprene and 20-hydroxyecdysone between populations of Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes. In: R. Iritja (ed.) Program and abstracts book of 3rd International congress of vector ecology, September 16-21, 2001, Barcelona, Spain. Abstract p. 58. |
Gelbič I., Olejníček J., Minář J. (2001) Biocenologický a zoogeografický výzkum komárů (Diptera, Culicidae) oblasti CHKO Pálava. In: J. Matuška (ed.) Sborník anotací referátů ze semináře "Pálava na prahu třetího tisíciletí", November 8, 2001, Mikulov, Czech Republic, p. 4. |
Hansen I.,
Sehnal F., Meyer S., Scheller K. (2001) Corazonin gene expression in the waxmoth Galleria mellonella. Insect Mol. Biol.
10: 341-346.
Hussein H. M.,
Sehnal F. (2001) Performance of the Colorado potato beetle on plants with reduced and enhanced insect resistance. Workshop of the ESF Scientific Programme AIGM „Risk Assessment Methods for Genetically Modified Plants – Current Trends and Developments, České Budějovice, September 13-15, 2001. Abstracts, p.
Kodrík D., Socha R., Šimek P., Zemek R. (2001) Adipokinetic hormone from heteropteran insect and its effect on locomotion. In: A. Suzuki (ed.) Abstracts of The 14th Naito Conference on Bioactive natural products and their modes of action (III), Octeber 16-19, 2001, Kanagawa, Japan. Abstract p. 61. |
Kodrík D., Socha R., Zemek R. (2001) Does topical application of Pya-AKH stimulate lipid mobilization and locomotion in Pyrrhocoris apterus? In: D. Konopinská (ed.) III-rd international conference on Arthropods: chemical, physiological and environmental aspects, September 23-28, 2001, Ladek-Zdrój, Poland. Poster no. P-2. |
Kodrík D., Xavier N. (2001) Hedvábí hmyzu obsahuje inhibitory proteáz. Sborník abstraktů z 77. Fyziologických dnů, Februar 7-9, 2001, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, p. 27. |
Kodrík D., Xavier N. (2001) Insect silk contains protease inhibitors Physiol. Res.
50: 12.
Maxová A.,
Kodrík D.,
Zemek R.,
Socha R. (2001) Diel changes in adipokinetic response and walking activity of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera) in relation to physiological status and wing dimophism. Eur. J. Entomol.
98: 433-438.
Meyering-Vos M., Sehnal F., Hoffmann K. (2001) cDNA Cloning and Tissue Distribution of Allatostatin Type A of the Mediterranean Field Cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Ensifera: Gryllidae). XIV. Internatl. Congr. Comp. Endocrinol., Sorento (Italy), May 26-30, 2001. Abstract. |
Meyering-Vos M., Wu X., Huang J.,
Jindra M., Hoffmann K.,
Sehnal F. (2001) The allatostatin gene of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus (Ensifera, Gryllidae). Mol. Cell. Endocrinol.
184: 103-114.
Minář J.,
Gelbič I., Olejníček J. (2001) The effect of floods on the development of mosquito populations in the middle and lower river Morava regions. Acta Univ. Carol. Biologica
45: 139-146.
Minář J., Jahn P., Gelbič I. (2001) Attack of horses by larvae of roe-deer warble fly Hypoderma diana (Diptera, Hypodermatidae). In: Abstracts of 4th Mange and myiasis in livestock, COST 833, October 3-6, 2001, Toulouse, France, Abstract 11. |
Nirmala X.,
Kodrík D.,
Žurovec M.,
Sehnal F. (2001) Insect silk contains both a Kunitz-type and a unique Kazal-type proteinase inhibitor. Eur. J. Biochem.
268: 2064-2073.
Nirmala X., Mita K., Vanisree V.,
Žurovec M.,
Sehnal F. (2001) Identification of four small molecular mass proteins in the silk of Bombyx mori. Insect Mol. Biol.
10: 437-445.
Retnakaran A.,
Gelbič I., Sundaram M., Tomkins W., Ladd T., Primavera M., Feng Q., Arif B., Palli R., Krell P. (2001) Mode of action of the ecdysone agonist tebufenozide (RH-5992), and an exclusion mechanism to explain resistance to it. Pest Manag. Sci.
57: 951-957.
DOI: 10.1002/ps.377 |
Scheller K., Hansen I., Sehnal F. (2001) Molecular cloning, synthesis, and function of the neuropeptide corazonin in Galleria mellonella. Fifth International Workshop on the Molecular Biology and Genetics of Lepidoptera. Orthodox Academy, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 19. - 25. 8. 2001. Abstracts, p. |
Sehnal F. (2001) Insect imaginal diapause may begin in the larvae. 9th International Conference on Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, Grahamstown (Rep. South Africa), July 16-20, 2001. Abstract. |
Sehnal F. (2001) What is silk? 71th Congress of the Society of Sericultural Science of Japan, Tsukuba (Japan), March 21-23, 2001. Abstract. |