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Total found: 1114 records
Košťál V., Tollarová M., Tamura M., Zahradníčková H., Šula J. (2003) Roles of diapause termination and cold-acclimation in cryoprotectant biosynthesis and accumulation in Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera). In: Nedvěd O. (ed.): TEMP 2003 – International Symposium on Animal and Plant Cold Hardiness. University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, p. 26.
Němec V. (2003) A bait for locust (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) suitable for oral application of juvenile hormone analogues. Biologia 58: 287-290.
Němec V., Bennettová B., Hlaváček J., Tykva R. (2003) Srovnání působení oostatického tetrapeptidu Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala a pentapeptidu Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala-Pro na ovaria tří různých typů hmyzu. In: Abstrakt, 8. Biologicky Aktivní Peptidy, 23-25 April, 2003, Praha, Czech Republic, p. 34.
Němec V., Bennettová B., Hlaváček J., Tykva R. (2003) Comparison of biological effects of oostatic tetrapeptide (H-Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala-OH) and pentapeptide (H-Tyr-Asp-Pro-Ala-Pro-OH) on three types of insect ovaries. In: 8th Biologically Active Peptides, 23-25 April, 2003, Praha, Czech Republic. Collection Symposium Series 6: 58-60.
Němec V., Breuer M., De Loof A. (2003) Thin layer chromatographic analysis of pteridine-like pigments in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria migratorioides (Orthoptera: Oedipodidae ). Eur. J. Entomol. 100: 19-23.
Olejníček J., Gelbič I., Minář J. (2003) Changes in mosquito diversity caused by catastrophic floods and global warming in the Morava and Vltava river basins In: 14th European Conference of the Society for Vector Ecology, Bellinzona, Switzerland, September 3-6, 2003,Abstracts, 87.
Olejníček J., Gelbič I., Minář J. (2003) Změny ve složení fauny komárů v dolní části povodi Moravy a Dyje v důsledku povodní a globálního oteplení (Changes in mosquito diversity in the lower Morava and Dyje basin caused by catastrophic floods and global warming) Folia faunistica Slovaca 8: 61-62.
Patočková M., Kodrík D., Šimek P., Socha R. (2003) Characterization and function of adipokinetic peptide from a cotton pest - the bug Dysdercus cingulatus. Biologically Active Peptides VIII., Praha, Czech Republic, April 23 - 25, Abstract No. 37
Patočková M., Kodrík D., Šimek P., Socha R. (2003) The structure and activity of adipokinetic peptide in cotton pest - the bug Dysdercus cingulatus Collection Symposium Series - Biologically Active Peptides VIII., (ed. Slaninová J.), Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic 6: 69-72.
Sehadová H., Šauman I., Sehnal F. (2003) Immunocytochemical distribution of the pigment-dispersing hormone in the cephalic ganglia of polyneopteran insects. Cell Tiss. Res. 312: 113-125.
DOI: 10.1007/s00441-003-0705-5

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Sehnal F. (2003) Sen pěstitelů brambor - absolutní ochrana proti mandelince bramborové. Úroda 51: 44-45.
Sehnal F., Habuštová O., Spitzer L., Hussein H. M., Růžička V. (2003) A biannual study on the environmental impact of Bt-maize. Ecological Impact of the Genetically Modified Organisms. Praha (Czech Republic), Nov. 26-29, 2003. Abstracts, p. 46.
Sehnal F., Nedvěd O., Košťál V. (2003) Temperature, Effects on Development and Growth. In: V.H. Resh & R.T. Cardé (eds.) Encyclopedia of Insects, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 1116-1119.
Sláma K. (2003) Mechanical aspects of heartbeat reversal in pupae of Manduca sexta J. Insect Physiol. 49: 645-657.
Socha R., Zemek R. (2003) Wing morph-related differences in the walking pattern and dispersal in a flightless bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera.). Oikos 100: 35-42..
Spitzer L., Růžička V., Hussein H. M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2003) Společenstva střevíků (Coleoptera:Carabidae) a pavouků (Arachnida) na polích s geneticky modifikovanou a kontrolní kukuřicí (Communities of carabid beetles and spiders on fields of a Bt and control maize). XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Nitra (Slovak Republic), Sept. 16-17, 2003. Abstracts, p. 221.
Spitzer L., Růžička V., Hussein H. M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2003) Expression of Bacillus thuringiensis toxin in maize does not affect epigeic communities of carabid beetles and spiders. Ecological Impact of the Genetically Modified Organisms. Praha (Czech Republic), November 26-29, Abstract 48.
Tawfik A., Sehnal F. (2003) A role for ecdysteroids in the phase polymorphism of the desert locust. Physiol. Entomol. 28: 19-24.
Yonemura N., Sehnal F., Mita K., Tamura T. (2003) Preferentially expressed genes in the silk glands of caddisflies (Trichoptera). 3rd Internatl. Conference Silk, Montreal (Canada), June 16-19, 2003. Abstracts, p. 54.
Závodská R., Šauman I., Sehnal F. (2003) Distribution of PER protein, pigment-dispersing hormone, prothoracicotropic hormone, and eclosion hormone in the cephalic nervous system of insects. J. Biol. Rhythms 18: 106-122.
DOI: 10.1177/0748730403251711

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