List of publications
Total found: 1114 records |
Socha R.,
Šula J.,
Kodrík D. (2004) Wing morph-related differences in developmental pattern of accessory gland proteins in adult males of Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) and their endocrine control. J. Insect Physiol.
50: 893-901.
Socha R.,
Šula J.,
Kodrík D. (2004) Characterisation of accessory gland and haemolymph proteins in adult males of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera, Insecta) and their endocrine control. 3rd International and 28th European Peptide Symposium, Praha, Czech Republic, September 5 - 10,
Socha R.,
Zemek R. (2004) Mating behaviour and wing morph-related differences in the sexual activity of a flightless bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera). Ethol. Ecol. Evol.
16: 217-229..
Socha R.,
Zemek R. (2004) Wing morph-related differences in the pattern of mating activity in a flightless bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera) Inv. Repr. Dev.
46: 11-18.
Spitzer L.,
Růžička V.,
Hussein H. M.,
Habuštová O.,
Sehnal F. (2004) Expression of a Bacillus thuringiensis toxin in maize does not affect epigeic communities of carabid beetles and spiders. Acta Fytotech. Zootech.
7: 110-112.
Yonemura N.,
Sehnal F. (2004) Silk uniformity and diversity in Lepidoptera and Trichoptera XII International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane (Australia), August 15-21, 2004. CD ROM Abstracts
Doležal P.,
Sehnal F. (2003) Diapause in the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus (L.)) In Mc Manus M.L., Liebhold A.M., eds. 2003 Proceedings: Ecology, Survey and Management of Forest Insects; 2002 Sept 1 - 5, Krakow, Poland. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE - 311, Newton Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Res. Stat
178 p..
Fedič R.,
Žurovec M.,
Sehnal F. (2003) Correlation between fibroin amino acid sequence and physical silk properties. J. Biol. Chem.
278: 35255-35264.
Gäde G., Auerswald L.,
Šimek P., Marco H.,
Kodrík D. (2003) Red pigment concentrating hormone is not limited to crustaceans. Biochem. Bioph. Res. Co.
309: 972-978.
Gelbič I., Olejníček J. (2003) Changes in haemagglutination activity in two members of the Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes caused by insect hormones and food. In: 14th European Conference of the Societa for Vector Ecology, Bellinzona, Switzerland, September 3-6, 2003, Abstracts,
Gelbič I., Olejníček J., Minář J. (2003) Biocenologický a zoogeografický výzkum komárů (Diptera, Culicidae) dolního toku Moravy a Dyje. In: Danihelka J. (ed.), Pálava na prahu třetího tisíciletí, Správa CHKO ČR, Správa CHKO Pálava, Mikulov,
pp. 59-68.
Gelbič I., Strbáčková J., Berger J. (2003) Haemocyte morphology during the ontogenesis of Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) and changes on the differential count. Journal of Applied Biomedicine
1: 58-59.
Habuštová O.,
Hussein H. M.,
Sehnal F. (2003) Insect communities on maize expressing a Bt-toxin. Acta Fytotech. Zootech
1: 9-11.
Habuštová O., Sehnal F., Hussein H. (2003) Spoločenstvá hmyzu na kukurici exprimujúcej Bt-endotoxin (Insect communities on maize expressing Bt-endotoxin). XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Nitra (Slovak Republic), Sept. 16-17, 2003. Abstracts, p. 174: |
Habuštová O.,
Sehnal F.,
Hussein H. M. (2003) Insect communities on maize expressing Bt toxin. Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms. Praha (Czech republic). November 26-29, Abstracts
Hussein H. M.,
Sehnal F.,
Habuštová O. (2003) Bt-potatoes resistant to the Colorado potato beetle affect performance of the Egyptian Armyworm, Spodoptera littoralis. Ecological Impact of the Genetically Modified Organisms. Praha (Czech Republic), Nov. 26-29, 2003. Abstracts, p.
Hussein H. M.,
Sehnal F.,
Habuštová O. (2003) Side effects of Bt-potatoes resistant to the Colorado potato beetle. XVI. Slovak and Czech Plant Protection Conference, Nitra (Slovak Republic), Sept. 16-17, 2003. Abstracts, p.
Kodrík D., Kludkiewicz B., Sehnal F., Grzelak K. (2003) Recombinant silk proteinase inhibitors. Japan-Korean Joint Seminar on Sericulture Science and Insect Industry, Tsukuba (Japan), Nov. 19-20, 2003. Abstracts, p. |
Kodrík D.,
Socha R., Syrová Z. (2003) Developmental and diel changes of adipokinetic hormone in CNS and haemolymph of the flightless wing-polymorphic bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus. J. Insect Physiol.
49: 53-61.
Košťál V., Tollarová M., Šula J. (2003) Polyol biosynthesis and accumulation in Pyrrhocoris apterus. presented at: TEMP 2003, International Symposium on Animal and Plant Cold Hardiness, August 10-15, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. |