List of publications
Total found: 1114 records |
Sehadová H., Shao Q.,
Sehnal F., Takeda M. (2007) Neurohormones as putative circadian clock output signals in the central nervous system of two cricket species Cell Tiss. Res.
328: 239-255.
Sláma K., Šobotník J., Hanu R. (2007) Respiratory concerts revealed by scanning microrespirography in a termite Prorhinotermes simplex (Isoptera : Rhinotermitidae). JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY
53: 295-311.
Socha R. (2007) Factors terminating ovarian arrest in long-winged females of a flightless bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) Eur. J. Entomol.
104: 15-22.
Socha R.,
Kodrík D.,
Zemek R. (2007) Crustacean red pigment-concentrating hormone Panbo-RPCH affects lipid mobilization and walking activity in a flightless bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera) similarly to its own AKH-peptides Eur. J. Entomol.
104: 685-691.
Socha R.,
Zemek R. (2007) Temporal pattern of feeding activity in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus and its relation to sex, wing dimorphism and physiological state of adults Physiol. Entomol.
32: 16-25.
Tomčala A.,
Košťál V.,
Šimek P.,
Bártů I.,
Kodrík D. (2007) Focused insect lipidomics: solution of physiological questions by liquid chromatography and electrospray quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry. Vth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects, Bialka Tatranska, Poland, September 16-21,
Večeřa J.,
Krishnan N., Alquicer G.,
Kodrík D.,
Socha R. (2007) Adipokinetic hormone-induced enhancement of antioxidant capacity of Pyrrhocoris apterus hemolymph in response to oxidative stress. Comp. Biochem. Phys. C
146: 336-342.
Vinokurov K.,
Taranushenko Y.,
Kodrík D., Elpidina E.,
Sehnal F. (2007) Proteinase inhibitors in the salivary glands and saliva of the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea. Vth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects, Bialka Tatranska, Poland, September 16-21,
Vinokurov K.,
Taranushenko Y.,
Kodrík D.,
Kludkiewicz B.,
Habuštová O.,
Sehnal F. (2007) Nové inhibitory proteáz a jejich využití v ochraně rostlin, Funkční genomika a proteomika ve šlechtění rostlin, Křtiny, 24.-25. září, str.
Vinokurov K.,
Taranushenko Y.,
Krishnan N.,
Sehnal F. (2007) Proteinase, amylase, and proteinase-inhibitor activities in the gut of six cockroach species J. Insect Physiol.
53: 794-802.
Bártů I., Patočková M., Kodrík D. (2006) Hmyzí adipokinetické peptidy a analogy juvenilního hormonu. 82. Fyziologické dny, Praha, 7.- 9. února, Endokrinologie-P14, p23 |
Bártů I., Patočková M.,
Kodrík D. (2006) JHa – methoprene modifies adipokinetic hormone characteristics in bugs (Heteroptera, Insecta). 23rd Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Manchester (UK) 29 August - 2 September, P032,
Bártů I., Patočková M.,
Kodrík D. (2006) The effect of a juvenile hormone analogue on adipokinetic hormone activity in bugs (Heteroptera, Insecta) (publidhed abstract) Physiol. Res.
55: 14-15P.
Doleželová E.,
Žurovec M., Böhmova M.,
Sehnal F. (2006) Use of two transcription starts in the G6PD gene of the bark beetle Ips typographus. Insect Mol Biol.
15: 25-32.
Exnerová A., Svádová K., Štys P., Barcalová S., Landová E., Prokopová M., Fuchs R.,
Socha R. (2006) Importance of colour in the reaction of passerine predators to aposematic prey: experiments with mutants of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera) Biol. J. Linn. Soc.
88: 143-153.
Gelbič I., Strbáčková J., Berger J. (2006) Influence of metyrapone on morphology of haemocytes of Egyptian cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) Zoological Studies
45: 371-377.
Habuštová O.,
Doležal P.,
Spitzer L.,
Hussein H. M., Turanli F.,
Růžička V.,
Sehnal F. (2006) Four-year study of the impact of Bt maize on arthropod communities. VIIIth European Congress of Entomology, September 17-22, Izmir, Turkey.
Hodková M.,
Socha R. (2006) Endocrine regulation of the reproductive arrest in the long-winged females of a flightless bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). Eur. J. Entomol.
103: 523-529.
Hussein H. M.,
Habuštová O.,
Sehnal F. (2006) Bt-potatoes resistant to the colorado potato beetle affect performance of the Egyptian armyworm, Spodoptera littoralis. Acta Phytotech. Zootech.
8: 38-41.
Hussein H. M.,
Habuštová O., Turanli F.,
Sehnal F. (2006) Potato expressing beetle-specific Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Aa toxin reduces performance of a moth. J. Chem. Ecol.
32: 1-13.