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Total found: 1114 records
Bártů I., Kodrík D. (2007) Adipokinetické a juvenilní hormony u hmyzu 83. Fyziologické dny, Brno, 6.- 8. února, Endokrinologie II, p15b
Bártů I., Tomčala A., Šimek P., Kodrík D. (2007) Characterization of insect haemolymph lipids mobilized by adipokinetic hormones. Vth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects, Bialka Tatranska, Poland, September 16-21, P33.
Doležal P., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2007) Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the rate of larval development, food conversion efficiency, and imaginal diapause in Leptinotarsa decemlineata J. Insect Physiol. 53: 849 - 857.
Doležal P., Sehnal F. (2007) A simple method for the detection of imaginal diapause in beetles J. Appl. Entomol. 131: 221 - 223.
Doležal P., Sehnal F. (2007) Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the development and diapause of the bark beetle Ips typographus J. Appl. Entomol. 131: 165 - 173.
Doležal P., Sehnal F. (2007) Regulation and detection of imaginal diapause in Ips typographus In: "Natural enemies and other multi-scale influences on forest insects", Sept. 9-14, 2007, Vienna, Austria, pp.29
Eizaguirre M., López C., Schafellner C., Sehnal F. (2007) Effects of ecdysteroid agonist RH-2485 reveal interactions between ecdysteroids and juvenile hormones in the development of Sesamia nonagrioides Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 65: 74-84.
Gelbič I., Halouzka J. (2007) Changes in mosquito diversity caused by climatic variability in the of ten years, from catastrophic flood in Morava and Dyje rivers basin. The 4th EMCA Workshop, Prague, September 11-14,2007, Czech Republic, Program and Abstract Book 64.
Habuštová O., Doležal P., Hussein H. M., Spitzer L., Turanli F., Růžička V., Sehnal F. (2007) Lack of effect of maize expressing bacterial toxin Cry1Ab on the composition of insect communities. 3rd EIGMO Meeting; Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (EIGMO), 23-25 May 2007, Warsaw, Poland. pp.40.
Habuštová O., Doležal P., Hussein H. M., Spitzer L., Turanli F., Růžička V., Sehnal F. (2007) Assessment of the impact of Cry1Ab expression on insects dwelling on the maize plants. Entomological Research; Supplement 1. International Congress of Insect Biotechnology and Industry; Daegu, Republic Of Korea 19-24. August 2007. 37: A50-A51.
Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2007) Results of a four-year study of the Bt maize impact on the arthropod communities. KOSMOS problemy nauk biologicznych Warszawa; GMO szanse i ograniczenia. 56: 275-284.
Husáková J., Svobodová Z., Doležal P., Sehnal F., Habuštová O. (2007) Effect of Bt toxin Cry3Aa on Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd). 3rd EIGMO Meeting; Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (EIGMO), 23-25 May 2007, Warsaw, Poland. pp.41.
Hussein H. M., Procházková M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2007) Effect of GNA potatoes on Egyptian armyworm, Spodoptera littoralis. 3rd EIGMO Meeting; Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (EIGMO), 23-25 May 2007, Warsaw, Poland. pp.47.
Kodrík D. (2007) Je zavíječ voskový pouze nepříjemný škůdce včel? Moderní včelař 4: číslo 5, 28-29.
Kodrík D., Krishnan N., Alquicer G. (2007) Hmyzí adipokinetické hormony a oxidační stres. 83. Fyziologické dny, Brno, 6.- 8. února, Endokrinologie II, p15a
Kodrík D., Krishnan N., Alquicer G. (2007) Insect adipokinetic hormones and oxidative stress (published abstract). Physiol. Res. 56: 17.
Kodrík D., Krishnan N., Habuštová O. (2007) Is the titer of adipokinetic peptides in Leptinotarsa decemlineata fed on genetically modified potatoes increased by oxidative stress? Peptides 28: 974-980.
Kodrík D., Socha R., Zemek R. (2007) Relationship between biogenic amines and adipokinetic hormones in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera). International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects, Bialka Tatranska, Poland, September 16-21, P34..
Krishnan N., Kodrík D., Turanli F., Sehnal F. (2007) Stage specific distribution of oxidative radicals and antioxidant enzymes in the midgut of Leptinotarsa decemlineata J. Insect Physiol. 53: 67-74.
Krishnan N., Večeřa J., Kodrík D., Sehnal F. (2007) 20-hydroxyecdysone prevents oxidative stress damage in adult Pyrrhocoris apterus Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 65: 114-124.
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