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Total found: 1114 records
Yang Y., Liu Y., Teng H., Šauman I., Sehnal F., Lee H. (2010) Circadian control of permethrin-resistance in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. J. Insect Physiol. 56: 1219-1223.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jinsphys.2010.03.028

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Zemek R., Habuštová O., Hussein H. M., Svobodová Z., Sehnal F. (2010) Effects of Cry3Bb1-maize on the two-spotted spider mite. 43rd Annual Meting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology. , Trabzon, Turkey, 11-15 July 2010. Program and Abstracts 120-121.
Zemek R., Habuštová O., Hussein H. M., Svobodová Z., Sehnal F. (2010) Effect of Bt maize on development and reproduction of Tetranychus urticae (Acari Tetranychidae). International Conference on Invertebrate Reproduction and Development in the Age of Genetic Modifications, 16-20 August 2010, Prague, Czech Republic. Abstract 29.
Zemek R., Socha R. (2010) Habitat selection in the bug Pyrrhocoris apterus: Does it minimize the risk of being parasitized by the ectoparasitic mite Hemipteroseius adleri? In: Sabelis, Maurice W.; Bruin, Jan (Eds.) Trends in Acarology. 1st Edition, Springer. 367-369.
Zhang L., Huang E., Lin J., Gelbič I., Huang Z., Zhang Q., Guan Y., Huang T., Guan X. (2010) Novel Mosquitocidal Bacillus thuringiensis Strain LLP29 Isolated from the Phylloplane of Magnolia denudata Microbiological Research 165: 133-141.
DOI: 10.1016/j.micres.2009.03.002
Zralá J., Kodrík D., Zahradníčková H., Zemek R., Socha R. (2010) A novel function of red pigment-concentrating hormone in crustaceans: Porcellio scaber (Isopoda) as a model species. General and Comparative Endocrinology 166: 330-336.
Alquicer G., Kodrík D., Krishnan N. (2009) Does mammalian glucagon elicit insect antioxidant mechanisms? 85th Physiological Days - Conference of Czech and Slovak Physiological Society - Endocrinology, Prague, Czech Republic, February 3 - 5, p. 12.
Alquicer G., Kodrík D., Krishnan N. (2009) Does mammalian glucagon elicit insect antioxidant mechanisms? (published abstract) Physiol. Res. 58: 1.
Alquicer G., Kodrík D., Krishnan N., Večeřa J., Socha R. (2009) Activation of insect anti-oxidative mechanisms by mammalian glucagon. Comp. Biochem. Phys. B 152: 226-233.
Bártů I., Tomčala A., Šimek P., Kodrík D. (2009) Preferences in mobilization of locust heamolymph lipids after the Locmi-AKHs treatment VIth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects, Ochotnica Dolna, Poland, June 21-26, P-4, 46.
Doležal P., Husáková J., Sehnal F. (2009) Effect of temperature on the termination of imaginal diapause in the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) hibernating under the bark or in the litter In Kunca A., Zúbrik M (eds.), 2009: Insects and fungi in storm areas. Proceedings of the IUFRO WP 7.03.10 Methodology of Forest Insect and Disease Survey in Central Europe from the workshop that took place on Sept 15 – 19, 2008 in Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia. ISBN 978–80–8093–100–1. 50-55.
Gelbič I. (2009) Dramatic differences in action of hormonal analogues and agonists in Culex pipiens complex of mosquitoes Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Vector Ecology, Society for Vector Ecology, Belek-Antalya, Turkey, October 11-16., 2009. 143-144..
Habuštová O., Hussein H. M., Adel M., Sehnal F. (2009) Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Aa toxin and Galanthus nivalis agglutinin on the efficacy of entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltia in the tests with Spodoptera littoralis caterpillars. 4th EIGMO-Meeting 14-16 May 2009 Rostock, Germany; Abstract pp.72.
Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2009) GENETICALLY MODIFIED MAIZE AS A BARRIER TO DIABROTICA SPREADING IN EUROPE: CHECKING POSSIBLE IMPACT ON OTHER ARTHROPODS. Sehnal F., Drobník J. (eds.) White Book: Genetically Modified Crops. Biology Centre of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, České Budějovice 61.
Hussein H. M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2009) Effects of Galanthus nivals agglutinin (GNA) on the Colorado Potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). 4th EIGMO-Meeting 14-16 May 2009 Rostock, Germany; Abstract pp.53.
Hussein H. M., Habuštová O., Sehnal F. (2009) Performance of Leptinotarsa decemlineata on GM potatoes expressing Galantus nivalis agglutinin (GNA). Book of Abstracts, XXXIX Annual Meeting of the European Society for New Methods in Agricultural Research, Aug. 25-29, 2009. MZLU Brno, 89.
Jedlička P., Cvačka J., Sláma K. (2009) Juvenile hormone-stimulated synthesis of acyl-glycerols and vitamin E in female accessory sexual glands of the fire bug, Pyrrhocoris apterus L. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 72: 48-59.
Kludkiewicz B., Takasu Y., Fedič R., Tamura T., Sehnal F., Žurovec M. (2009) Structure and expression of the silk adhesive protein Ser2 in Bombyx mori. Insect Biochem Mol Biol 39: 938-946.
Kodrík D., Bártů I., Socha R. (2009) Adipokinetic hormone increases effectivity of insecticide permethrin via stimulation of metabolic activity VIth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological and Environmental Aspects, Ochotnica Dolna, Poland, June 21-26, P-5, 47.
Kodrík D., Krishnan N., Habuštová O. (2009) IS THE TITER OF ADIPOKINETIC PEPTIDES IN COLORADO POTATO BEETLE (LEPTINOTARSA DECEMLINEATA) FED ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED POTATOES INCREASED BY OXIDATIVE STRESS? Sehnal F., Drobník J. (eds.) White Book: Genetically Modified Crops. Biology Centre of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, České Budějovice 64.
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