List of publications
Total found: 1114 records |
Yonemura N.,
Sehnal F., Koník P., Ajimura M., Tamura T., Mita K. (2012) Conservation of a pair of serpin 2 genes and their expression in Amphiesmenoptera. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
42: 371-380.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2012.01.008 |
Zemanová M., Večeřa J., Fencková M., Doležal T., Kodrík D. (2012) Genové manipulace – nástroj pro stadium hormonální regulace antioxidačních mechanismů u octomilky obecné Drosophila melanogaster. In: Abstracts from 88. Fyziologické dny, 7-9. únor, 2012, Hradec Králové, p. 79. |
Zemanová M.,
Večeřa J., Fencková M.,
Kodrík D. (2012) Oxidative stress in Drosophila melanogaster and a role of adipokinetic hormone in its solution. 26th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Zurich, Switzerland, August 21 - 25, Abstract No. P 14-2
p. 127.
Zhang L., Huang E., Tanga B., Guan X.,
Gelbič I. (2012) Mosquito cell line C6/36 shows resistance to Cyt1Aa6 Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
50: 265 - 269.
Zhang L., Peng Y., Wu S., Sun L., Huang E., Huang T., Xu L., Wu C.,
Gelbič I., Guan X. (2012) Microbial ecology and association of Bacillus thuringiensis in chicken feces originates from feed Current Microbiology
65: 784-791.
DOI: 10.1007/s00284-012-0231-3 |
Zhang L., Zhang Q., Huang E., Li M., Huang T., Xu L., Wu C., Guan X.,
Gelbič I. (2012) A differentially displayed mRNA related to restistance to Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis of Aedes albopictus selected in vitro-activated CYT1AA6 Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association
28: 327-329.
DOI: 10.2987/12-6263R.1 |
Doležal P., Sehnal F., Vrba S., Zemek R. (2011) Zařízení pro extrakci hmyzu, zejména z organických substrátů. Užitný vzor č. 23014. Úřad pro průmyslové vlastnictví, reg. č. PUV 2011-24770 |
Gelbič I., Adel M.,
Hussein H. M. (2011) Effects of nonsteroidal ecdysone agonist RH-5992 and chitin biosynthesis inhibitor lufenuron on Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval, 1833). Central European Journal of Biology
6: 861-869.
DOI: 10.2478/s11535-011-0046-4 |
Gelbič I., Olejníček J. (2011) Ecology of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in a wetland habitat and their potential role as bioindicators. Cent. Eur. J. Biol.
6: 118-129.
DOI: 10.2478/s11535-010-0098-x |
Habuštová O.,
Hussein H. M.,
Svobodová Z.,
Půža V.,
Sehnal F. (2011) Two year field study demonstrates no negative impact of GMO maize expressing CRY 3Bb1 toxin on non-target arthropods. 24th IWGO Conference & 3rd International Conference of Diabrotica Genetics, 24-26 October 2011, Freiburg, Germany. Abstract
Habuštová O.,
Sehnal F.,
Svobodová Z.,
Hussein H. M. (2011) Optimalizace metodiky ELISA pro stanovení obsahu Cry3Bb1 toxinu v různých částech kukuřice pomocí komerčního kitu. Biologické centrum AV ČR, v.v.i.
24 p..
Hněvsová V.,
Kodrík D.,
Weyda F. (2011) Contribution to the biochemical characterization of the silk and structure characterization of the cocoons of the horse chestnut leaf miner Cameraria ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Eur. J. Entomol.
108: 711-715.
Hussein H. M.,
Svobodová Z.,
Habuštová O.,
Sehnal F. (2011) Effect of GM maize MON 88017 on the non-target plant dwelling insect. Ecological Impact of genetically Modified Organisms (IOBC-WPRS 5 th EIGMO Meeting). 22-25 Jun 2011 České Budějovice, Czech Republic; Abstract.
Kludkiewicz B., Vinokurov K., Taranushenko Y., Kodrík D., Sehnal F. (2011) Příprava rekombinantního inhibitoru proteáz NcPIb. In: Funkční genomika a proteomika ve šlechtění rostlin. N.S. Kiran, B. Brzobohatý (Eds.), Mendelova univerzita v Brně (ISBN 978-80-7157-044-8), str. 21-24 |
Kodrík D. (2011) Stress and its hormonal control in insects In: 87th Physiological Days (Conference of Czech and Slovak Physiological Society, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 9 - 11), Eds. Jagla F. and Pecháňová O., ISBN: 978-80-969544-8-3
p. 52-53.
Kodrík D. (2011) Role of adipokinec peptides in control of insect anti-stress reactions Biologically Active Peptides XII, Praha, April 27 - 29, W 13. |
Kodrík D. (2011) Stress and its hormonal control in insects (published abstract) Physiol. Res.
60: 31.
Kodrík D. (2011) Role of adipokinetic peptides in control of insect anti-stress reactions In: Collection Symposium Series - Biologically Active Peptides XII., Ed. Slaninová J., Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, ISBN: 978-80-86241-44-9, Vol.
13: p. 67-69.
Kodrík D., Vinokurov K., Tomčala A.,
Socha R. (2011) Control of insect digestion: Are adipokinetic hormones involved? In: VIIth International Conference on Arthropods: Chemical, Physiological, Biotechnological and Environmental Aspects (Bialka Tatrzanska, Poland, September 18-23) Abstract Book, Eds. D. Konopinska and M. Kuczer, ISBN: 978-83-60043-16-5, O-34
p. 46.
Navrátil O., Kodrík D., Kludkiewicz B., Habuštová O., Vinokurov K., Sehnal F., Horáčková V. (2011) Inhibitor proteáz z hedvábí zavíječe voskového ovlivňuje odolnost brambor proti patogenům. In: Funkční genomika a proteomika ve šlechtění rostlin .N.S. Kiran, B. Brzobohatý (Eds.), Mendelova univerzita v Brně (ISBN 978-80-7157-044-8), str. 16-18 |