List of publications
Total found: 516 records |
Hodková M. (1992) Storage of the photoperiodic information within the implanted neuroendocrine complexes in females of the linden bug Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera). J. Insect Physiol.
38: 357-363.
Hodková M., Hodek I. (1992) Endocrine regulation of supercooling capacity in Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae). In: Abst. First European Worshop on Invertebrate Ecophysiology, Paimont (France) 1992. Pp. 23. |
Hodková M., Socha R. (1992) Does the selection of non-diapause strain remove the photoperiodic clocks in Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera)? In: Bennettová B., Gelbič I. & Soldán T. (eds) Advances in Regulation of Insect Reproduction, Žinkovy 1991. Inst. Entomol., Czech. Acad. Sci., pp. 125-127. |
Hodková M., Somme L., Hanzal R.,
Brunnhofer V.,
Hodek I. (1992) The effect of allatectomy and photoperiod on the supercooling point in Pyrrhocoris apterus adults. Physiol. Entomol.
17: 165-168.
Košťál V. (1992) Prediction of flight activity in three species of the genus Delia (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) by day-degree model. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
89: 21-28.
Košťál V. (1992) Orientation behaviour of newly hatched larvae of the cabbage maggot, Delia radicum (L.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), to volatile plant metabolites. J. Insect Behavior
5: 61-69.
Košťál V. (1992) Characteristics of plants that influence host-plant finding/acceptance by the cabbage root fly. In: Bull. SROP/OILB, 1992. Pp. 154 (Abstract). |
Košťál V. (1992) Sledování aktivity a abundance imag blýskáčka řepkového (Meligethes aeneus F.) a krytonosce čtyřzubého (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus Marsh.) v porostu ozimé řepky. Rostlinná výroba
38: 297-306.
Nedvěd O. (1992) Changes in cold hardiness in overwintering ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). In: Abst. First Eur. Workshop on Invertebrate Ecophysiology, Paimpont (France) 1992. Pp. 25. |
Brunnhofer V.,
Nedvěd O.,
Hodková M. (1991) Methodological improvement for measuring of supercooling point in insects. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
88: 349-350.
Hodek I. (1991) Prey specificity in Aphidophaga. In: Polgár L., Chambers R.J., Dixon A.F.G. & Hodek I. (eds) Behaviour and Impact of Aphidophaga, Gödölö 1990. SPB Acad. Publ., The Hague, pp. 13-15. |
Hodek I. (1991) Relationships of cold-hardiness with insect diapause. In: Symp. Resistence au froid chez les Insectes, Montréal 1991. Université du Quebec á Montréal, 1 p. (Abstract). |
Hodková M., Zieglerová J.,
Hodek I. (1991) Diapause in males of Pyrrhocoris apterus (L.) (Heteroptera) and its dependence on photoperiod and activity of females. Zool. Jb. Syst.
118: 279-285.
Košťál V. (1991) The effect of colour of the substrate on the landing and oviposition behaviour of the cabbage root fly. Ent. exp. appl.
59: 189-196.
Košťál V. (1991) Behaviourally tested spectral sensitivity of the cabbage root fly (Delia radicum) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Acta ent. bohemoslov.
88: 173-179.
Nedvěd O., Kindlmann P. (1991) Poisoning of ladybirds by pyrethroids. In: Polgár L., Chambers R., Dixon A. F. G. & Hodek I. (eds) Behaviour and Impact of Aphidophaga, Gödölö 1990. SPB Academic Publ., The Hague, pp. 319-322. |
Hodek I. (1990) Quelques aspects du déroulement de la diapause. In: Ferron P., Missonnier J. & Mauchamp B. (eds) Régulation des Cycles Saisonniers chez les Invertébrés. Les Colloques de l'INRA, Paris, pp. 239-241. |
Hodková M. (1990) Transmission des signaux photopériodiques chez Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera). In: Ferron P., Missonnier J. & Mauchamp B. (eds) Régulation des Cycles Saisonniers chez les Invertébrés. Les Colloques de l'INRA No. 52, Paris, pp. 209-212. |
Buchar J., Babrakzai H.,
Hodek I. (1989) Life cycle and phenology of the spider Pisaura mirabilis (Araneae) in central Europe. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
86: 414-418.
Hodek I.,
Hodková M., Semyanov V. (1989) Physiological state of Coccinella septempunctata adults from northern Greece sampled in mid-hibernation. Acta ent. bohemoslov.
86: 241-251.