List of publications
Total found: 315 records |
Ostrovský I, Cabala R., Kubinec R., Gorova R., Blasko J., Kubincová J.,
Řimnáčová L., Lorenz W. (2011) Determination of phthalate sum in fatty food by gas chromatography. Food Chemistry
124: 392-395.
DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.06.045 |
Řimnáčová L., Šimek P., Cimlová J., Zahradníčková H., Hušek P. (2011) POSTER: Alkyl chloroformates labelling strategies and their application in the identification and analysis of protic metabolites and xenometabolites. In: IMA 2011, Chania, Řecko, 18. – 22.9.2011 |
Řimnáčová L., Šimek P., Mráz J., Šperlingová I. (2011) POSTER: The comparison of two analytical methods for determination of ethoxyacetic acid in human urine of ethoxyethanol-exposed people. In: 63. Zjazd chemikov, Vysoké Tatry, Slovensko, 5.9. – 9.9.2011 |
Šimek P. (2011) Alkyl chloroformate-mediated metabolite labeling and its in GC/MS and LC/MS metabolomics In: Program & Abstract Book from Metabolomics 20011. Seventh International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, June 27-30, 2011, Cairns, Australia, p. 216. |
Šimek P. (2011) Alkyl chloroformate-mediated labeling of analytes in the sample preparation and modern instrumental analysis In: Abstracts from IMA 2011. The 7th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis Modern Trends and Applications, September 18-22, 2011, Chania Crete, Greece, p. 31. |
Šimek P. (2011) Zpracování biologických vzorků pro LC/MS analýzu In: Sborník from 12. ročník Školy hmotnostní spektrometrie, září 12-16, 2011, Katedra analytické chemie Univerzity Pardubice a Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marka Marci, 6 pp. |
Šimek P. (2011) Hmotnostní spektrometrie v metabolické analýze In: Sborník from 12. ročník Školy hmotnostní spektrometrie, září 12-16, 2011, Katedra analytické chemie Univerzity Pardubice a Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marka Marci, 5 pp. |
Šimek P. (2011) Metabolické přístupy ve výzkumu chladové adaptace hmyzu. Metabolika a hibernace. MBU, AV ČR, LMSC, 4.11.2011, 26 pp. |
Šimek P., Cimlová J., Zahradníčková H., Hušek P. (2011) Alkyl chloroformate labeling strategies and their application in the identification and analysis of protic metabolites and xenometabolites. In: Abstracts from The 7th International Conference on Instrumental Methods of Analysis Modern Trends and Applications, September 18-22, 2011, Chania Crete, Greece, p. 254 + poster. |
Šimek P., Mráz J., Sperlingová I. (2011) The comparison of two analytical methods for determination of ethoxyacetic acid in human urine of ethoxyethanol-exposed people. In: ChemZi, Vol. 13, 2011 from Medzinárodný Rok Chémie, Slovakia, p. 165 + poster. (63. National Chemical Congress, September 5-9, 2011, Vysoké Tatry, Proceedings Abstract) |
Bártů I., Tomčala A.,
Šimek P.,
Kodrík D. (2010) Hormonal control of insect lipid metabolism. 86th Physiological Days - Conference of Czech and Slovak Physiological Society - Endocrinology, Prague, Czech Republic, February 9 - 11,
p. 28.
Bártů I., Tomčala A.,
Socha R.,
Šimek P.,
Kodrík D. (2010) Analysis of lipids mobilized by adipokinetic hormones in the firebug Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) Eur. J. Entomol.
107: 509-520.
Cimlová J.,
Šimek P., Ueland P., Hanzl M., Verner M. (2010) Determination of novel folate biomarkers and related metabolites of one-carbon metabolism in urine of premature newborns under targeted nutritional therapy. In: Abstract Book from 10th International Nutrition & Diagnostic Conference, September 4-7, 2010, Prague
p. 61.
Cimlová J.,
Zahradníčková H.,
Makuderová L.,
Berková P.,
Hušek P.,
Šimek P. (2010) Parallel Profiling of Small Molecules Metabolites in Urine after in Situ Treatment with Ethyl Chloroformate 7th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days AACD 2010, P-3-42, abstrakt s. 240, 28.9.-3.10.Lesvos 2010, Řecko
2010: 240.
Gäde G.,
Šimek P. (2010) A novel member of the adipokinetic peptide family in a ‘‘living fossil’’, the ice crawler Galloisiana yuasai, is the first identified neuropeptide from the order Grylloblattodea. Peptides
31: 372-376.
Hušek P.,
Zahradníčková H.,
Šimek P., Švagera Z. (2010) In-situ pretreatment of urine with fluoroakryl chloroformates as a novel GC-MS metabolite profiling strategy In: Abstracts from Metabolomics 2010, June 27-July 1, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
poster PP2-008, p. 190..
Jedlička P.,
Šimek P. (2010) Structural identification and possible functional determination of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum adipokinetic hormone. 25th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Pécs, Hungary, August 31-September 4, Abstract
p. 106.
Kodrík D., Marco H.,
Šimek P.,
Socha R., Štys P., Gäde G. (2010) The adipokinetic hormones of Heteroptera: A comparative study. Physiol. Entomol.
35: 117-127.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2009.00717.x |
Makuderová L., Netland O., Ueland P., Šimek P. (2010) PREZENTACE: Injektor jako kritické místo GC-MS analýzy metabolitů při výzkumu jednouhlíkového metabolismu. In: Setkání uživatelů GC/MS Thermo Scientific Finnigan, Tichonice, ČR, 4.5. – 5.5. 2010 |
Makuderová L., Šimek P., Hušek P., Mráz J. (2010) POSTER: Simultaneous GC-MS profiling of biomarkers of occupation exposure and acidic metabolites in urine. In: Metabolomics 2010, Amsterdam, Holandsko, 26.6. – 1.7.2010 |